Originally Posted by Sherri
Keith, thanks for posting these. I miss Wimber too! He was the best of the best, as far as we are concerned. It was in one of his meetings in 1990-1991 that God opened our hearts and we realized that there's a very powerful world out there, outside the realm of UPC. It was the first conference I'd ever been to that was not UPC, and I didn't know what to expect. It was SO powerful and refreshing - very humble people and VERY hungry for more of God. It was a life changing moment for us; I will never forget it. It didn't make me feel negatively toward UPC at all, just made me know that God worked "outside the box" that we had put Him in.
John Wimber's testimony is amazing. He has an old video that you can probably still order called "I'm a Fool for Christ" I think. We just dragged it out a couple weeks ago for someone to watch. It's hilarious, but also very powerful. He was a member of the Righteous Brothers band in the sixties before God saved him. He had NO religious background in his heritage of any kind. He got saved in a Quaker church, of all things, and then God started moving him into more truth.
I'm sure you already know all this, Keith. Just sharing it for others who may not know.
It was great to find these clips, because the Vineyard established a policy that they would not allow filming of the ministry/clinic times so I was excited to find these.
I think I told you that I called the Vineyard Group to see if anyone had a old copy of his lecture notes from when he taught at Fuller, they said they didn't but somehow I got talking about wanting videos of the clinic time. They young man on the phone informed that someone actually video taped the entire lecture series at Fuller that caused all of the uproar that a whole issue of Christian Life Magazine was devoted to.
It was neat to watch the second clip because having never seen one of his clinic sessions, what I do in my session on the Gifts of the Spirit is not to far from what he did.