For Timlan ~Read the New John Adams Bio~
I know you to be a history buff, so I want to encourage you get the McCullough's new book on President John Adams, details his humble New England beginnings, his prolific influences upon the Declaration of Independence and his up and down relationship with Thomas Jeffferson, both served in France, wrote large amounts of letters, now national treasure trove of intimate information about that period, also they died the same year within 4 hours on 4th of July.
What part I like was Hamilton's vitrionic hatred for Adams and undermined at every opportunity, even though they were both Federalists simply because he was close at one time to Jefferson, Jefferson and Hamilton hated each other but still respected each other that Hamilton cast the tie breaking vote in 1800 so that Jefferson became president in stead of Burr.
Tim, like you when I read these histories I see so much of today repeated time and again. Anyway thought I would tell you about a good read.
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