StMark had asked me to share this on the forum since I told him part of it yesterday. When I was telling him about this, I couldn't remember all that was said to me, because there were so many things that were said. I'm still not sure I have given account for all of them-- and I'm going to have to get the DVD from church to watch it because I really want to hear it all again.
God used Bro Gordon Winslow speak to me Sunday. He mentioned things that that only the members of my immediate family were aware of. He said that he heard a heart murmur-- then he said No, it's more than that. There's a hole in your heart, that you've been told you may have to be operated on to repair. God said he is healing that NOW-- and there's no surgery for you. He said that the fluid that had built up around that area would go away, and stay gone--and that it would also leave the rest of my body as well.
He also said that I'd found nodules or knots that I was concerned about-- and to not worry about them, they will disappear just like they came because God says there's no spirit of cancer that will come upon you. He also said that God was healing the hormonal problem with my thyroid, and that the medical tests I have at the next testing will confirm it... and that all of the symptoms and issues caused by that problem will be gone as well. He also said that the stress and spirit of oppression that has tried to come over me will no longer be there.
He said that the severe migraine headaches that I have been suffering from for years will be gone forever.
Another thing he said was that I had been experiencing severe burning pain in my lower back every time I would get into or out of my vehicle... and that I would no longer have that pain. When I got into my van to leave church yesterday, there was no pain. When I got out of my van at home- there was no pain.
There were several other things that he said, but I want to watch the DVD of the service so that I can get them exactly right when I share them.
I don't think anyone even noticed that he ministered to people for almost three hours. No one was thinking about getting home to watch the superbowl.
For the first time in over a year-- I got out of bed this morning without pain. There is no swelling in my legs, feet or hands.
There were many others who were ministered to as well, including one lady who could barely walk into service on a walker--- who walked out perfectly fine-- with her walker folded up under her arm.
I can't wait till tomorrow night. Great things are going to happen!
If anyone reading this is within driving distance of Walnut MS... and would like to attend services tonight or tomorrow night-- PM me for directions to the church. This is your invitation.