UPC found in Wikipedia under "Schisms & Splits"
I looked up the UPCI and found this on Schisms and Splits and low and behold I found this on Wikipedia:
The UPCI has experienced several splinters since its inception in 1945.
In 1955, a group of ministers led by Bishop C. B. Gillespie (Fairmont, WV), Bishop Ray Cornell (Cleveland, OH), and Bishop Carl Angle (Nashville, TN) rechartered the PAJC using the original charter.[citation needed]
1968 a number of ministers organized the Apostolic Ministerial Fellowship - AMF, lead by Robert Cavaness, Murray Burr and others, citing the UPCI as 'liberal'. Central issues were holiness and local church government. Detractors said that Murray Burr was disgruntled because he was not elected General Superintendent.
In 1986, Pastor L. H. Hardwick, a UPCI pastor in Nashville, Tennessee, and Jack Dehart of Texas broke away from what he called "legalists" (referring to the issue of dress code and standards), and formed Global Christian Ministries (now Global Network of Christian Ministries).[citation needed]
In 2001, Bishop Teklemarim Gezahagne and the more than 2 million members of the Apostolic Church of Ethiopia broke their 45 year alignment with the UPCI and joined up with the AWCF. The division was over Christology. Interesting accusations since most Pentecostals differ with the UPCI on Christology issues.
In January 2008 another split came to the UPC prompted by a 2007 resolution to allow advertising on television. The schism led by Jonny Godair formed the Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship.