1. May 11, 2008 is the date for the implementation of the Real ID Act which will number every American citizen and create a national database to manage everyone's number/ID.
2. 2008 is the year for ratification of the EU treaty creating the position of EU President and is the fulfilment of the prophesied Holy Roman Empire.
3. 2008 is the year for a middle east peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians which is internatinally recognized and will determine the final borders of Israel, the status of Jerusalem and the status of the temple mount.
Rev. Irving Baxter believes that, if this peace treaty is reached, it will be the confirmation of the covenant and mark the beginning of the final seven years to Armageddon and the second return of Christ.
4. 2008 could also be the year of a war emanating from Iraq that kills one third of mankind.
What are your comments concerning the fulfillment of these prophecies?
1. May 11, 2008 is the date for the implementation of the Real ID Act which will number every American citizen and create a national database to manage everyone's number/ID.
2. 2008 is the year for ratification of the EU treaty creating the position of EU President and is the fulfilment of the prophesied Holy Roman Empire.
3. 2008 is the year for a middle east peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians which is internatinally recognized and will determine the final borders of Israel, the status of Jerusalem and the status of the temple mount.
Rev. Irving Baxter believes that, if this peace treaty is reached, it will be the confirmation of the covenant and mark the beginning of the final seven years to Armageddon and the second return of Christ.
4. 2008 could also be the year of a war emanating from Iraq that kills one third of mankind.
What are your comments concerning the fulfillment of these prophecies?
Tell me it AINT so!
He first prophesied that in 1993. I still have the old End Time Messenger when he prophesied that the signing of the Jerusalem Covenant which was signed that year was the beginning of the Tribulation and that the Anti-Christ would be revealed 3.5 years later when the Jerusalem Covenant would be then broken.
Now he is prophesying THAT AGAIN?
Wow! You would have thought that he would now finally get things straightened out. But it seems that he never learns.
1. May 11, 2008 is the date for the implementation of the Real ID Act which will number every American citizen and create a national database to manage everyone's number/ID.
2. 2008 is the year for ratification of the EU treaty creating the position of EU President and is the fulfilment of the prophesied Holy Roman Empire.
3. 2008 is the year for a middle east peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians which is internatinally recognized and will determine the final borders of Israel, the status of Jerusalem and the status of the temple mount.
Rev. Irving Baxter believes that, if this peace treaty is reached, it will be the confirmation of the covenant and mark the beginning of the final seven years to Armageddon and the second return of Christ.
4. 2008 could also be the year of a war emanating from Iraq that kills one third of mankind.
What are your comments concerning the fulfillment of these prophecies?
Welcome back DM. I understand he has also stated that 1/3 of the world's population will die due to plague in the next 12 months or so.
He is going to be in Houston tomorrow night. Might just drive down and take notes....
Although I believe he is now charging a fee to attend?
Welcome back DM. I understand he has also stated that 1/3 of the world's population will die due to plague in the next 12 months or so.
He is going to be in Houston tomorrow night. Might just drive down and take notes....
Although I believe he is now charging a fee to attend?
Are you sure about that?
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
Was it prophesy or prediction? there is a difference. it has been years since I heard Baxter, but in all cases, he gave "predictions" and best guesses" not "thus sayeth the Lord" prophesy.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!