Breaking News!! -- Alternative To Tulsa Forming Now!!!
Dear Concerned, Annoyed, and/or Apathetic Apostolic:
Let's face it. The whole Tulsa thing has apparently run its course. We have dissected every possible motive that could be involved, offered wild speculations from every angle, and even accused Elfin of illegal activity. There is just really nothing left to say (as evidenced by the recent cross-threading phenomenon). Obviously WWPF is yesterday's news. They haven't even had their first "official" meeting, yet enough information has been passed around that most folks are already starting to lose interest. Looks like the split will end up just being a splinter.
Obviously, Apostolics are looking for visionary leadership and positive change, and since it doesn't appear to be coming out of Tulsa or Hazelwood, I have decided after much prayer and agonization to start a new "fellowship". It will be called ALLURE (Apostolics Loving Life, Unity, Revival, and Evangelism -- or if any of our newly-forming General Council members can think up better wording to fit my chosen letters, I am open to suggestions). Anyone who is interested in being a part of this fresh face of positive change, ALLURE welcomes you!
Together we can prove the naysayers and doomsdayers wrong...
"TOGETHER WE CAN!" (my cheezy slogan for ALLURE -- again, I am open to suggestions if you think you can do better!)
TOGETHER WE CAN......Make the world a better place!
TOGETHER WE CAN......Bring unity to the seemingly hopeless isms and schisms of Apostolicness!
TOGETHER WE CAN.....Be included in the Guinness Book of World Records by making this thread the longest and/or most ridiculous ever in the history of the World Wide Web!!
Won't you join us? We currently have openings on both the Executive and General Councils, as well as various committees. You may indicate your interest and desired kingdom status by posting a reply on this thread.
Humbly, I am
Pastor, Preacher, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher
Servitudinous Servant
Saint of The Most High
Self-Chosen Temporary Vice-Chairman of ALLURE International, LLC.