Well that's a even better idea. Thanks bro, better yet is Kim Clement, and Benny Hinn leading them to Oneness? Could that be said ever?
I dont endorse these men nor watched the videos or however they were speaking. I endorse Mark August view of the Oneness of God. I was teaching it about the time he was born. I endorse his view of the post tribulation rapture.
I dont have to agree with someone on every point of doctrine to agree with him if he teaches something or things I do agree with them on. Truth is truth no matter who believes it.
For instance I believe in the Oneness of God. Now because Evangelist Benincasa believes that Jesus came and resurrected the dead and took them to Heaven in 70ad....should I quit believing in Oneness because he also believes it?
So Mark August believes there will be an end time revival. I agree there will be a great restoration/revival myself. I dont believe it because any other man believes it.
The Lord COULD (not saying he did) speak through Hinn and Clement if he chose to. As we have heard many times he spoke through Baalams ass.
That in itself would not vindicate these men.
My point for the thread is I believe Yeshua is using Mark August to point Oneness believers to a better understanding of Oneness. One that once was widely accepted among them. He believes (so do I) that there may be Trins who hearing a more Biblical view of the doctrine may accept it.
As this has happened in my own teaching ministry where some have accepted this truth.