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Old 11-05-2013, 03:52 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by seekerman View Post
Bump (Lets talk about education of women in muslim countries)
Lets do that

First lets look at US illiteracy statistics:

Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Institute of Literacy
Research Date: 4.28.2013
Percent of U.S. adults who can’t read 14 %
Number of U.S. adults who can’t read 32 Million
Percent of the worlds illiterate who are female 66 %

UNESCO offers worldwide statistics on adult literacy rates:

Adult literacy rate, total 84.1%
Adult literacy rate, male 88.6%
Adult literacy rate, female 79.9%

And a nice database to go with them


Now let's look at female literacy rates (only) in Muslim countries:
Jordan 89.2% (3.2% higher than all US adults)
Libya 83.5% (2.5% lower than all US adults)
Palestine 92.6% (way higher than all US adults)
Qatar 95.4% (goes without saying)
Saudi 82.2% (3.8% lower than all US adults)
UAE 91.5% (LOL)
Azerbaijan 99.7% (LOL-commies and Muslims have better education than Americans) (LOL)
Kyrgyzstan 99% (LOL-commies and Muslims have better education than Americans) (LOL)
Tajikastan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan – all >99% (LOL-commies and Muslims have better education than Americans)
Brunei 93.9% LOL
Indonesia 90.1% (that would be my wife’s home country sport – women in Indonesia have higher literacy rates than average US adults)
Malaysia 90.7% LOL
Iran 80.7% (Iranian women are literate at 6% lower rates than all US adults?)

Have some more cool-aid!

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 11-05-2013 at 04:16 PM.
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Old 11-05-2013, 03:57 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by seekerman View Post
Bump (Let's talk about what's important in the standard of living in muslim countries)

Isn't education important? It appears that literacy rates are higher in Muslim countries than in the US. WOMEN in Muslim countries have higher rates of literacy than the average American. Safety? The US is waaaaay down the list in terms of safety (all those eeevil Muslims - how can that be?). Median disposable income? (2) Muslim countries in the top 5.

Have another kool-aid
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Old 11-05-2013, 03:58 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by seekerman View Post
Bump (Lets talk about health care in the muslim contries)
Lets talk about lifespan. How come, if their healthcare systems are so terrible, they live longer?

My daughter was born in Saudi. We got no bill. We didn't have to wade through who was and was not a provider to determine what was selectively covered or not covered. The doctor was a salaried employee and we werent limited to a specific number of treatments or procedures like you are. In fact, we had an ultrasound with full measurements EVERY visit, as opposed to one or maybe two if your insurance company allows it. I found the healthcare system to be very good. Immunizations were free and her immunization schedule was more thorough and strict than it is here. So yea, if you want to talk about the healthcare system I guess I'm the one to do it.

What say you? Something from an article or book LOL? Personal experience?

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 11-05-2013 at 04:18 PM.
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Old 11-05-2013, 04:15 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by seekerman View Post
I've posted what I'm basing the standard of living on. Here it is again....

'Time to commute' is in the ranking but not education? LOL. What a list!!

Oh...and I realize education isn't generally that important within the Islamic community so I don't expect you to care that it's not taken into determining the highest standard of living.

'Health care index'? You'll find Islamic countries at the bottom of the list. That's not surprising knowing the value placed on human life in Islamic countries.

Absent your explanation of why people in Muslim countries live longer and women in Muslim countries have higher literacy rates than Americans I will comment on the above.

I didn't actually list "time to commute" I listed:

Personal purchasing power
Consumer price index, cost of living
Property price to income ratio

Speaking of safety care to comment on why (24) Muslim countries have lower murder rates than the US? Is it because of that terrible, violent religion that 95%+ of the people practice in Muslim countries? LOL maybe it's because they keep y'all out? LOL seems the fewer of y'all that are around the safer the neighborhood seems to be. Just sayin'. They aren't MY numbers.

I realize safety for family and children isn't generally that important within the christian community so I don't expect you to care that it's not taken into determining the highest standard of living.


Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 11-05-2013 at 04:21 PM.
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Old 11-05-2013, 04:38 PM
celtic warrior celtic warrior is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
Absent your explanation of why people in Muslim countries live longer and women in Muslim countries have higher literacy rates than Americans I will comment on the above.

I didn't actually list "time to commute" I listed:

Personal purchasing power
Consumer price index, cost of living
Property price to income ratio

Speaking of safety care to comment on why (24) Muslim countries have lower murder rates than the US? Is it because of that terrible, violent religion that 95%+ of the people practice in Muslim countries? LOL maybe it's because they keep y'all out? LOL seems the fewer of y'all that are around the safer the neighborhood seems to be. Just sayin'. They aren't MY numbers.

I realize safety for family and children isn't generally that important within the christian community so I don't expect you to care that it's not taken into determining the highest standard of living.

Dude address the issue at hand. Why cant different sects of Islam just simply theologically disagree and leave it at that? Why does it escalate into violence? Like I said, do you see Baptists blowing up Pentecostal places of worship because they dont believe like each other?
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Old 11-05-2013, 04:39 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by seekerman View Post

Stop stalling. Turn you face to the west, to America, and give thanks for the help and support that turned a God forsaken wasteland of Islamic countries in the middle east into something actually productive.

Of course much of it is still a wasteland but at least it's better than goat herding.
I'm a Texan sport. You may kindly thank me for keeping your car gassed up and lights on.

I can see that wasteland from the photos. Ever been there? I have.

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Old 11-05-2013, 04:42 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by celtic warrior View Post
Dude address the issue at hand. Why cant different sects of Islam just simply theologically disagree and leave it at that? Why does it escalate into violence? Like I said, do you see Baptists blowing up Pentecostal places of worship because they dont believe like each other?
The issue at hand is quality of life dude. I lived there for several years. I didn't see anything get blown up. Nobody bothered me. Nice folks actually.

Your problem is that you fail to separate political violence from the practice of the religion. It is a mistake. Bank on this: Some of the best places in the world to live are Muslim countries and especially Muslim countries where Muslims live side by side with others.

Saudi is Sunni. Eastern Saudi is Shia. They get along just fine and they are treated and treat each other equally.

And......you are doing specifically what again to address the violence in your own backyard? That's what I thought.

NOTE: No scot ever took any guff from another celt anyway, warrior or not LOL

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 11-05-2013 at 04:49 PM.
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Old 11-05-2013, 05:02 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by seekerman View Post
And how much education does she have?

Compared to her contemporaries, does she have more or less? Any college?
It appears that she has more education compared to YOUR contemporaries LOL. Pretty sad given the terrible state of things for Muslim women/girls huh

College - yes. Her 2 brothers and her sister also went to University. They all speak / read English and Arabic as well as Bahasa.

Idly wondering and since I answered - how 'bout your family? Do all of your siblings have a college education and speak multiple languages? I have to admit mine don't. They didn't have the strict upbringing with high standard of education that a Muslim in the third world has. My money's on this: Yours is the same. Who are you then to run off your e-mouth if you cannot or did not do better?
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Old 11-05-2013, 05:08 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:


C'mon "seekerman the scholar". Show us all some more of your piercing grasp of factual information and share your personal accounts of your worldwide experiences and travels with all of us.

How many languages do YOU speak OH Holder of Great Knowledge?
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Old 11-05-2013, 05:10 PM
seekerman seekerman is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
Lets do that

First lets look at US illiteracy statistics:

Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Institute of Literacy
Research Date: 4.28.2013
Percent of U.S. adults who can’t read 14 %
Number of U.S. adults who can’t read 32 Million
Percent of the worlds illiterate who are female 66 %

UNESCO offers worldwide statistics on adult literacy rates:

Adult literacy rate, total 84.1%
Adult literacy rate, male 88.6%
Adult literacy rate, female 79.9%

And a nice database to go with them


Now let's look at female literacy rates (only) in Muslim countries:
Jordan 89.2% (3.2% higher than all US adults)
Libya 83.5% (2.5% lower than all US adults)
Palestine 92.6% (way higher than all US adults)
Qatar 95.4% (goes without saying)
Saudi 82.2% (3.8% lower than all US adults)
UAE 91.5% (LOL)
Azerbaijan 99.7% (LOL-commies and Muslims have better education than Americans) (LOL)
Kyrgyzstan 99% (LOL-commies and Muslims have better education than Americans) (LOL)
Tajikastan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan – all >99% (LOL-commies and Muslims have better education than Americans)
Brunei 93.9% LOL
Indonesia 90.1% (that would be my wife’s home country sport – women in Indonesia have higher literacy rates than average US adults)
Malaysia 90.7% LOL
Iran 80.7% (Iranian women are literate at 6% lower rates than all US adults?)

Have some more cool-aid!
Your own Islamic organization disagrees with you....

"In a 2013 statement, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation noted that many Islamic member nations restrict education opportunities for girls.[42] UNICEF notes that out of 24 nations with less than 60% female primary enrolment rates, 17 were Islamic nations; more than half the adult population is illiterate in several Islamic countries, and the proportion reaches 70% among Muslim women.[43] Other scholars[44][45] claim Islamic nations have the world's highest gender gap in education. The 2012 World Economic Forum annual gender gap study finds the 17 out of 18 worst performing nations, out of a total of 135 nations, are the following members of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation: Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, (Nepal[46]), Turkey, Oman, Egypt, Iran, Mali, Morocco, Côte d'Ivoire, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Chad, Pakistan and Yemen.[47]"

Here's more.....

"…the whole Arab world translates about three hundred books annually–one fifth the number that Greece alone translates; investment in research and development is less than one seventh the world average; and Internet connectivity is worse than in sub-Saharan Africa.[3]
August 2002
Fifty-seven Muslim majority countries have an average of ten universities each for a total of less than 600 universities for 1.4 billion people; India has 8,407 universities, the U.S. has 5,758.
. . .
Of the 1.4 billion Muslims 800 million are illiterate (6 out of 10 Muslims cannot read). In Christendom, adult literacy rate stands at 78 percent.[4]
November 2005
The 57-member countries of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) have around 500 universities compared with more than 5,000 universities in the US and more than 8,000 in India. In 2004, Shanghai Jiao Tong University compiled an "Academic Ranking of World Universities", and none of the universities from Muslim-majority states was included in the top 500.[5]
May 2007
The 2002 United Nations Arab Development Report, compiled by leading Arab scholars and intellectuals, reported that fewer than 350 books were translated into Arabic every year, less than one-fifth the number translated into Greek. The 2003 report added that the 10,000 books translated into Spanish every year exceeded those translated into Arabic— over the entire millennium.[2]"

"Women's rights for education has been completely oppressed in countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan due the strong political movement of groups such as the Taliban. Taliban is known for it's outright band of women education and any institutions related to women's educational rights. One of the significant cases that exemplify the inequality of education between gender would be the case of Malala Yousafzai. In Oct 9 2012, Malala Yousafzai a Pakistani school girl and young woman rights activist s shot by appointed gunmen from the Taliban. Malala was shot along with her two fellow students and a bullet going through her head nearly killing her on the spot. After an emergent treatment at the Pakistani hospital, she was shifted to a hospital in Birmingham for specialized treatment. The hospital stated that Malala was on the way for full recovery despite the severe head injuries. In this case, the Pakistan government has showed it's initiative by fully paying the medical treatment of their young women's educational rights activist. Due to this incident, the Pakistan government was harshly condemned for neglecting the reality of women rights especially rights for education.[1]. For decades, the media and government of Pakistan rarely reported on reality of women's life due to the Taliban's power. However, this incident lead the international community and various human rights organizations to examine the education system for women in t Pakistan. Though the international community condemned both the Taliban and neglecting of the Pakistani government, Taliban of Pakistan has outwardly stated that their stance on women's right for education will not change. International human rights organizations such as the Amnesty International publicly announced a public statement the Pakistan government to implement national human rights policies to protect the female citizens after this incident.[2].Not only this certain hostile action of the Taliban proves the inequality of education but the recent death of the Pakistani female teacher in 2013 April exemplifies the seriousness of this issue in the middle east. The international human rights organization Human rights Watch have stated there has been over 96 attacks on schools; many of the cases involved the extremist groups working on the borderline of the Pakistan and Afghanistan attacking female schools and any activists involved with female education.[3]"

It seems that it's ok for women to strap a bomb to themselves and kill as many of the men, women and children of the opposing muslim sect, but when it comes to education in the Islamic world, they're second class citizens.
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