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Old 09-03-2008, 10:48 AM
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Re: Obama abortion ad

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Okay, that takes care of the doctor.

Isn't the woman an accomplice to murder?

What do you suggest we do to women who procure abortions?
The reality is when doctors start going to jail and losing their license to practice the abortion mills will dry up.

One could make the argument that an unconscious woman could not have participated in the murder of her baby.
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Old 09-03-2008, 10:52 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Obama abortion ad

Wow, this one freaked out. Lol

Originally Posted by U376977 View Post
No way can you include capital punishment and war killings in the debate about abortion, apples and oranges.
When a leader decides to go to war they KNOW innocent civilians will die. Any leader who thinks they won’t has obviously lost their grip on reality. By deciding to go to war the deaths of innocent people is generally accepted though actions are taken to mediate the impact and reduce their number. So the end result is murder. Wars not cool man…war’s an abomination, a scourge of mankind.

Most death penalty advocates know that a small number of individuals were wrongfully prosecuted and executed down through our history. That fact is just an accepted fact and actions are taken to mediate and minimize their number. But the end result is a system that while predominantly executes the guilty, also has murdered the innocent.

As a society we accept these tragedies. In this fallen world…sadly we have to. Abortion is similar in my opinion. Abortion will never go away. So we have to accept that fact. We also have to implement measures to mediate it’s impact and reduce the number of abortions.

And the idea that if we just had more social programs to help hussies that sleep around to give them an incentive to not have an abortion is crazy. Fact is that there are muliple programs already. Many mothers (using the term loosely) have bastard childern now! They do not abort them. The govt steps in and provides healthcare for the child and mom. What more do you want for the strumpets? Give them a nice condo uptown, pay all their bills and a stipend until the baby is 18, include a vacation 2 times a year--once to the beach and another to the mountains. Give me a break!
Wow. There’s a lot of animosity for women who make mistakes there bro. All I can say is that Belgium has taken measures to help women in crisis pregnancies and their abortion rate is the lowest in the world. It’s about RESULTS. Your opinion doesn’t matter when the fact is that Belgium has only 8 abortions per 1000 pregnancies while nations like Peru and Chile who have outlawed most abortions have abortion rates over 80 or even 90 per 1000 pregnancies (based on maternal morbidity so the number is actually higher).

Call it whatever you want but at the end of the day Belgium has done more to save the lives of the unborn than most Catholic Countries in South America and Muslim countries in the Middle East though they might have strong restrictions on abortion.
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Old 09-03-2008, 10:53 AM
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Re: Obama abortion ad

Chris you ignore posts that refute your nonsense and just keep on spewing it.
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Old 09-03-2008, 10:55 AM
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Re: Obama abortion ad

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post
Let us address the misinformation in this post.

1. Restrictions reduce abortion;

"Dur..ing the 1990s, the amount of state pro-life legislation that was passed increased substantially. Furthermore, the number of abortions performed dropped by around 18 percent during the 1990s."

Laurie D. Elam-Evans, Lilo T. Strauss, Joy Herndon, Wilda Y. Parker, Sara Whitehead, and Cynthia J. Berg, “Abortion Sur..veillance—United States, 1999,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Vol. 51 (November 29, 2002), pp. 1–28, at www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/ss5109a1.htm (January 11, 2006). Calcula..tion by author.

Now watch close so you can learn to interpret data Chris;

"Among countries where abortion is legal without restriction as to reason, the highest abortion rate, 83 per 1,000, was reported for Vietnam and the lowest, seven per 1,000, for Belgium and the Netherlands."-
International Family Planning Perspectives, 1999, 25(Supplement):S30–S38

This lowest abortion rate is based upon the caveat that it is compared only among countries where it is legal without restriction, yet you compare it to all countries.

The facts Belgium is no where near the lowest in terms of pregnancies that end in abortion. notice all the countries below Belgium.

Belgium 2005 13.2 *
Greece 2003 13.1
Andorra 1995 13.0
Taiwan (ROC) 1999 13.0
Switzerland 2005 12.9
Azerbaijan 2006 12.3
Isle of Man 2006 12.1 *
Israel 2006 11.8
Puerto Rico 2005 11.7
Bahrain 2002 11.5 *
Kyrgyzstan 2006 11.0
Barbados 1995 10.3
Guyana 2005 10.1
Costa Rica 2005 10.0
Bermuda 1984 9.9
Tunisia 1996 9.6
South Africa 2005 9.2
Turks and Caicos Islands 2005 9.1
Tajikistan 2006 8.6
Uzbekistan 2006 7.5
Ireland 2006 7.3 *
Saint Helena 1990 7.1
Faeroe Islands 2006 5.8
Kosovo 2006 4.6
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2001 3.2
Austria 2000 3.0
Suriname 1994 3.0
India 2000 2.7
Gibraltar 2005 1.9 *
Malta 2006 1.4 *
Qatar 2005 1.3
Portugal 2005 0.8
Venezuela 1968 0.8
Poland 2006 0.09
Mexico 2005 0.07 *
Botswana 1984 0.04
Chile 1991 0.02
Panama 2000 0.02


Bump for Chris. Also you ignored the point that intent makes the difference between abortion, civilian casualties and innocently executed innocents.
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Old 09-03-2008, 10:56 AM
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Re: Obama abortion ad

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post
The reality is when doctors start going to jail and losing their license to practice the abortion mills will dry up.

One could make the argument that an unconscious woman could not have participated in the murder of her baby.
How about a tax on their profits. The fact is that they make BIG $$. Hti the docs and abortion mills in their pockets. Use the tax $$ to pay for yet more "programs" for moms that actually have their babies.
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Old 09-03-2008, 11:01 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Obama abortion ad

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post
The reality is when doctors start going to jail and losing their license to practice the abortion mills will dry up.

One could make the argument that an unconscious woman could not have participated in the murder of her baby.
If abortion is absolutely MURDER and has to be handled as such we have to go all the way. The woman who hired the hit man, I mean the doctor, conspired and was an accomplice to the murder. By walking into the clinic, willingly procuring abortion services, by allowing them to put her under or sedate her, and allowing them to kill her child, and lastly paying them money to do so she is an accomplice to murder.

Also, if a good friend drove her to the clinic that friend should be charged for the part they played in driving her to the clinic. By driving the woman to the clinic, knowing a murder would be performed, they are also an accomplice to murder. Oh…did her mom, dad, or boyfriend know about it and are they keeping quiet? That’s also a crime.

And abortion rates were higher when abortion was illegal bro. Look at the statistics. Also history will show that doctors were not always the ones who performed abortions. Often it was a midwife or family member…or the woman herself.

The point is….this is beyond the government’s scope. Abortion is abortion. It’s with us, has been with us, and will always be with us. It’s time to focus on policies and measures to help women in crisis pregnancies with the issues they face to encourage them to choose life.
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Old 09-03-2008, 11:05 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Obama abortion ad

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post
Bump for Chris. Also you ignored the point that intent makes the difference between abortion, civilian casualties and innocently executed innocents.
Countries were abortion is illegal are hard to measure with certainty. Maternal morbidity rates play a major part in helping to interpret the data. Either way, Belgium has accomplished far more than most Western nations in the way of preventing abortion.

When it's illegal, it's swept under the rug. Consder that according to the President of Iran there are no gays in Iran. lol Riiiiiggggghhhhhht.
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Old 09-03-2008, 11:07 AM
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Re: Obama abortion ad

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
If abortion is absolutely MURDER and has to be handled as such we have to go all the way. The woman who hired the hit man, I mean the doctor, conspired and was an accomplice to the murder. By walking into the clinic, willingly procuring abortion services, by allowing them to put her under or sedate her, and allowing them to kill her child, and lastly paying them money to do so she is an accomplice to murder.

Also, if a good friend drove her to the clinic that friend should be charged for the part they played in driving her to the clinic. By driving the woman to the clinic, knowing a murder would be performed, they are also an accomplice to murder. Oh…did her mom, dad, or boyfriend know about it and are they keeping quiet? That’s also a crime.

And abortion rates were higher when abortion was illegal bro. Look at the statistics. Also history will show that doctors were not always the ones who performed abortions. Often it was a midwife or family member…or the woman herself.

The point is….this is beyond the government’s scope. Abortion is abortion. It’s with us, has been with us, and will always be with us. It’s time to focus on policies and measures to help women in crisis pregnancies with the issues they face to encourage them to choose life.
First of all you don't have the vaguest notion about writing legislation and enforcing a law. If a law is written to protect women by outlawing abortion a woman CANNOT be prosecuted for trying to get one.

An example of this was laws that forbid men from transporting women across state lines for purposes of prostitution. The Supreme Court said women cannot be prosecuted under this law even if they willing went and wanted to go with the man, because they were of the class the law intended to protect. Well settled law.
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Old 09-03-2008, 11:11 AM
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Re: Obama abortion ad

If any of you can tell me specifically what the GOP is pledging to do to stop abortions (that is different from all the rhetoric in the past)...then I will give the GOP my moral vote at every level of government. That way in four years we can see what has actually been done and we won't be having these pie in the sky scenarios every election cycle.
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Old 09-03-2008, 11:12 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Obama abortion ad

Originally Posted by U376977 View Post
No way can you include capital punishment and war killings in the debate about abortion, apples and oranges.

And the idea that if we just had more social programs to help hussies that sleep around to give them an incentive to not have an abortion is crazy. Fact is that there are muliple programs already. Many mothers (using the term loosely) have bastard childern now! They do not abort them. The govt steps in and provides healthcare for the child and mom. What more do you want for the strumpets? Give them a nice condo uptown, pay all their bills and a stipend until the baby is 18, include a vacation 2 times a year--once to the beach and another to the mountains. Give me a break!
You obviously missed the point. Abortion, war, crime, and the death penalty are just social evils that are going to be with us until Christ comes. We do well to minimize the damage done while maintaining a grip on the reality that these things aren't going to go away.
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