Originally Posted by Thad
Political Experts believe he is the only one that can Beat Hillary.
and they believe Hillary will overcome Obama.
as it stands now, Giulioni will be the republican Nominee.
I've been called everything but a child of hell for being a Democrat.
But my Question is, what is the difference between voting for Hillary and Giulioni? They both believe in Gays and abortion. are you aware of that?
the only real difference is fiscal and perhaps their stance on the war?
i sense some hypocricy on the part of republicans
I will be one to say yes.
But I would feel it my Christian responsibility to notify Rudy before I vote via a letter.
That I disagree with his stance on Choice.
If you do vote and they are the only 2 candidates then you are voting choice without voting as well.
If you voted for Buch the second time around and he sent the troops to Iraq and knowing more would die.
Would that also be sending folks to their death?