I will agree there have been plenty of ministers, that have preached against a lot of things that made no since, colored shirts, red shoes and bows etc. Preaching against makes a lot of since.
He's coming your way...the 2 are merging, XM & Sirius. You better keep up with your technology if your gonna preach against it!
I have had a couple of rental cars with satellite radio and while I was exploring channels stumbled across two or three "comedy" channels that had cursing and language that was X rated. The same or worse than any R rated movie.
Of course one only has to make note and not listen to those channels. Just as one can choose what television to watch.
I have had a couple of rental cars with satellite radio and while I was exploring channels stumbled across two or three "comedy" channels that had cursing and language that was X rated. The same or worse than any R rated movie.
Of course one only has to make note and not listen to those channels. Just as one can choose what television to watch.
yes but radio is like a library... err.... or is that internet?
hee hee...
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I love news and on XM radio I get my fill. Fox new and all.
XM radio is great. But one has to exercise discretion even here lest you wind up on a valgarity filled comedy central or something worse. So in our society of endless media resources it's so easy to say my source is ok and yours is not without applyng any principle.
XM radio is great. But one has to exercise discretion even here lest you wind up on a valgarity filled comedy central or something worse. So in our society of endless media resources it's so easy to say my source is ok and yours is not without applyng any principle.[/quote]
Thank You, a voice of balance....why can't the Ultra-Con realize that technology does not = being liberal...everything can be used in a good way or a bad way and the progression of technology does not mean that the UPC is getting away from what they believe. Some things that are not heaven or hell issues! If people leave then Lord Bless them but the WPF is just like the UPC, you have the Ultra-Con, Mid, and Lib. This won’t change. So will the WPF split again? Probably, why can’t they just preach and reach the lost and not get so involved in trying to get their agenda out there.
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Posts: 1,676
Re: Can any WPF'rs explain:
Originally Posted by impactleader
Who says we don't agree with the AOF when it comes to people having TV's in their homes. Res 4 didn't change our stance aginst TV. All it did was allowed us to advertise and minister on TV (which I don't agree with for a whole lot of reasons). I can assure you when I sign each year. I still wholeheartedly disaprove of people indulging in worldly activities. The questian to be asked is when it's preached against do the saints continue to do it anyway?
As for the Internet, The Position Papers in the back of the manual state that the UPCI recognizes that the widespread use among our people may not be reversed but that the dangers must not be ignored. It goes on to give a list of guildlines to monitor the access and use of the Internet.
Then why can't we do the same with TV??
I grew up with a whole lot of things being wrong. Among them was, SPORTS, MOVIES, SKATING(roller skating only) I ice skated while being a student at ABI. RED DRESSES, RED SHOES FOR THE WOMEN,WINDSOR KNOTS, HAIR TOUCHING THE EARS, RED CARS, CARNIVALS, POOL(Now I notice some churches have a pool table in their game room) HOSE WITHOUT SEAMS, GOLF, SPORTS IN HS, BUYING GROCERIES WHERE LIQUOR OR CIGRETTES WERE SOLD, WORKING ON SUNDAYS, ENTERTAINMENT PARKS, ANY KIND OF MUSIC OTHER THAN CHRISTIAN and the list goes on and on and on!! Most of have been accepted even by those drawn to Tulsa so why the big hold out on TV. I'd say more of our men including our preachers have been drawn into ponography because of the computer than by TV. I was told one time to get rid of my little 13 inch black and white TV I kept in a closet and go to someone elses house and watch their's when there was something we wanted to see. The only thing it was used for was to watch special news events and then put back in the closet.
If anything including TV is your conviction then you'd better not have a TV or even look at one in a department store or motel or at uant Susie's house but don't condemn an organization because of your convictions. I don't like some things in the organization but it is still the best there is. I gave up my membership 18 years ago because I no longer need it. When I did I sent a letter to headquarters resigning, I did not send that letter to all the licensed ministers. I just faded into the sunset like a good boy.
Does anyone know what happened to the "WPF in talks with the Philippines?" There was some lively posting, and then it was gone. Is there anyway to contact the Admin and ask him what is going on?
Does anyone know what happened to the "WPF in talks with the Philippines?" There was some lively posting, and then it was gone. Is there anyway to contact the Admin and ask him what is going on?
That thread was here 2 hours ago....some of the last posts must have merited a soft delete for review or something....
Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
Pelathais, I sure hope you don't get banned for telling the truth.
I have seen so many lies posted. The best one is the one Triumphant 1 did his best to combat. You know, the hair cutting party thing?
Prominent members of this board chose to believe the lie and even continue to spread it, even though T1 had totally proved it was false.
That thread was here 2 hours ago....some of the last posts must have merited a soft delete for review or something....
There's more to report on the WPF in the Philippines. We are learning new facts all the time. Also, Gordon Mallory is going to be speaking at the General Conference in the P.I. and there will be some things to report as a result. It would be nice to know what to do with this stuff.
There's more to report on the WPF in the Philippines. We are learning new facts all the time. Also, Gordon Mallory is going to be speaking at the General Conference in the P.I. and there will be some things to report as a result. It would be nice to know what to do with this stuff.
You could send a pm to admin to find out if the thread will be put back up after review...sometimes they do un-delete them...that way you can just hold onto the info for a day or two until the original thread comes back...
You could start another thread about the Philipines....but it might be smart to run that by admin through pm first...
Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
Pelathais, I sure hope you don't get banned for telling the truth.
I have seen so many lies posted. The best one is the one Triumphant 1 did his best to combat. You know, the hair cutting party thing?
Prominent members of this board chose to believe the lie and even continue to spread it, even though T1 had totally proved it was false.