[B][QUOTE=Coonskinner;[/B]315439]No, I don't have any particular desire to see all the libs leave.
I said they would be welcome if that's what they want to do.
The point is that I don't think we have any business telling pastors what organization they have to stay in. Conservative or liberal.
I feel the same way when saints want to move on. It may hurt to see them go, but you are foolish if you try to hold on to folks that don't want to be there.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I have not seen such great faith, no not in all Isreal.
After spending years in a church that would'nt let anyone move onto ministry or out state for jobs when the recesion of the 80's hit us, You statement is refreshing to hear from a pastor.
I was actually told by my pastor, when I told him I wanted to take a leave of absence from my job and go to a local secular college. He said that he could'nt do without my tithe and that I should not go.
I really needed some education too. the fact that I listened to this man for 20 years would prove that.