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Old 10-28-2022, 08:49 AM
james34 james34 is offline
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Re: Are Tongues Real?

Originally Posted by good samaritan View Post
I am confused ???

Are you now saying that the church should not expect to now speak in tongues?

Interpretation does not have to be present every time someone is baptized with Spirit. Holy Ghost filled saints should seek to prophesy in the church rather than just seek to speak in tongues, but we still do not forbid to speak in tongues.
Paul was not saying that we should forbid speaking in tongues in an “edifying way”, but he was saying that in an (unedifying way)which is without interpretation” should not be done. Therefore stipulations were placed upon what it would mean for it to be done “decently and in order”, and he said let an individual speak two or at the most three times and that by course ( not more than one person at a time) and let one interpret, but if there be no interpretation let them keep >>>>!!Silent!!<<<<
What this generally means in modern day Pentecost, is when we have a Holyghost blow out service it doesn’t matter how many speak in tongues at one time and as a matter of fact the more the merrier, because this is not the gift of tongues this is the evidence. But the rule of non-edifying content applies in every situation. In other words, if someone comes in unlearned or an unbeliever, do you think that they would be more convinced by people speaking in an unknown “evidence tongue”, than if people were speaking in a non-interpreted gift of tongues ? And unlearned person would not know the difference between the two , evidence types of tongues. So therefore the rule applies that a tongue that can’t be understood cannot edify, so we must seek to pray with the spirit but not without the understanding they must go hand-in-hand and, that is simply not the way modern day Pentecost is operating ! The Bible teaches that the gift of tongues were used as an evidence, but not that there was a second type of tongue categorized as an evidence tongue!
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Old 10-28-2022, 09:17 AM
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Re: Are Tongues Real?

Originally Posted by james34 View Post
Paul was not saying that we should forbid speaking in tongues in an “edifying way”, but he was saying that in an (unedifying way)which is without interpretation” should not be done. Therefore stipulations were placed upon what it would mean for it to be done “decently and in order”, and he said let an individual speak two or at the most three times and that by course ( not more than one person at a time) and let one interpret, but if there be no interpretation let them keep >>>>!!Silent!!<<<<
What this generally means in modern day Pentecost, is when we have a Holyghost blow out service it doesn’t matter how many speak in tongues at one time and as a matter of fact the more the merrier, because this is not the gift of tongues this is the evidence. But the rule of non-edifying content applies in every situation. In other words, if someone comes in unlearned or an unbeliever, do you think that they would be more convinced by people speaking in an unknown “evidence tongue”, than if people were speaking in a non-interpreted gift of tongues ? And unlearned person would not know the difference between the two , evidence types of tongues. So therefore the rule applies that a tongue that can’t be understood cannot edify, so we must seek to pray with the spirit but not without the understanding they must go hand-in-hand and, that is simply not the way modern day Pentecost is operating ! The Bible teaches that the gift of tongues were used as an evidence, but not that there was a second type of tongue categorized as an evidence tongue!
Have you received the gift of the Holy Ghost? If yes, tell us what happened.
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Old 10-28-2022, 09:23 AM
james34 james34 is offline
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Re: Are Tongues Real?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Have you received the gift of the Holy Ghost? If yes, tell us what happened.
We can discuss that at some point, but we don’t want to try to interpret the Scriptures by our personal experiences do we?
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Old 10-28-2022, 09:30 AM
james34 james34 is offline
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Re: Are Tongues Real?

Perhaps there are those who will say without tongues they wouldn’t have known that they had received the Holy Ghost. Sad, that there are so many convinced that this is all that happens initially.
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Old 10-28-2022, 09:43 AM
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Re: Are Tongues Real?

Originally Posted by james34 View Post
We can discuss that at some point, but we don’t want to try to interpret the Scriptures by our personal experiences do we?
Ok, now I know not to take you seriously.
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Old 10-28-2022, 10:12 AM
james34 james34 is offline
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Re: Are Tongues Real?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Ok, now I know not to take you seriously.
I don’t blame you if somebody asked me to stick to the scriptures and I was consumed with religion, I wouldn’t take them seriously either!
it's tough to make predictions especially about the future! Yogi Berra
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Old 10-28-2022, 12:51 PM
james34 james34 is offline
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Re: Are Tongues Real?

But go and tarry in Jerusalem until……….. and I’m gonna leave that blank and whatever it is that they were supposed to be waiting for they weren’t supposed to leave until they had received it and once they had received it they didn’t have to wait any longer in Jerusalem.

The reason they would need this that they were waiting for________was that it would enable them to be witnesses of Jesus Christ. This was not just a verbal witness. This was something that would enable them to overcome the world and to overcome the flesh and to overcome the powers of darkness. It would be useless to be launched into a professed “newness of life”, but not have the tools necessary to maintain victory . No new convert is ever exhorted to doubt there walk with God due to the lack of a gift, but if a new convert finds themself in a struggle that they are powerless to overcome( such as the battle against the flesh) what good is a gift going to do them in this situation? They were waiting in Jerusalem to be empowered by the spirit of God, to the end they would be enabled to live a victorious life over the flesh and over sin. To profess that one can/would follow Christ without some kind of empowerment, Well that would be the ultimate “epic fail”.
Modern day Pentecost is drunk on religion and bankrupt on power. They have lost the love for the truth and are attempting to sooth their conscience with whatever “evidence” they can conjure up. They don’t need any power because they have a little intention of overcoming anything where power would be needed. As long as they have some services filled with something to excite the flesh, then they are happy as a lark. Then, when everyone is caught up in a chaotic frenzy, they proclaim “how pleasing this must be to God” and begin to thank him for his great moving in their presence.
it's tough to make predictions especially about the future! Yogi Berra
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Old 11-03-2022, 02:36 PM
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Re: Are Tongues Real?

Originally Posted by james34 View Post
Have tongues the way it was in the bible
What are you talking about?
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Old 11-03-2022, 02:48 PM
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Re: Are Tongues Real?

Originally Posted by james34 View Post
But go and tarry in Jerusalem until……….. and I’m gonna leave that blank and whatever it is that they were supposed to be waiting for they weren’t supposed to leave until they had received it and once they had received it they didn’t have to wait any longer in Jerusalem.

The reason they would need this that they were waiting for________was that it would enable them to be witnesses of Jesus Christ. This was not just a verbal witness. This was something that would enable them to overcome the world and to overcome the flesh and to overcome the powers of darkness. It would be useless to be launched into a professed “newness of life”, but not have the tools necessary to maintain victory . No new convert is ever exhorted to doubt there walk with God due to the lack of a gift, but if a new convert finds themself in a struggle that they are powerless to overcome( such as the battle against the flesh) what good is a gift going to do them in this situation? They were waiting in Jerusalem to be empowered by the spirit of God, to the end they would be enabled to live a victorious life over the flesh and over sin. To profess that one can/would follow Christ without some kind of empowerment, Well that would be the ultimate “epic fail”.

Modern day Pentecost is drunk on religion and bankrupt on power. They have lost the love for the truth and are attempting to sooth their conscience with whatever “evidence” they can conjure up. They don’t need any power because they have a little intention of overcoming anything where power would be needed. As long as they have some services filled with something to excite the flesh, then they are happy as a lark. Then, when everyone is caught up in a chaotic frenzy, they proclaim “how pleasing this must be to God” and begin to thank him for his great moving in their presence.
So, you said that if the right person heard you speaking in tongues they would know what you were saying in tongues? You said they needed "the miracle ear gift?" Do you speak a known language when you speak in tongues. Therefore there would be no need of "the miracle ear gift?"
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 11-03-2022, 08:20 PM
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Re: Are Tongues Real?

I don't think it's an either/or phenomena.

Clearly what Esaias has written is correct. The text is unambiguous: "they heard them".

However, the text describes an interesting occurrence:

Some heard the disciples of Christ declaring the wonderful works of God. Others heard merely the garbled mutterings of the intoxicated.

Why did some hear in their own language the disciples praising God and others, not hearing a language at all, dismissed them as drunken sots?

Well, keep in mind that Simon Peter said the following regarding the Holy Spirit:

Acts 2:33 (ESV),

33 Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you yourselves are seeing and hearing.
It's not just that the crowd heard them speaking in heterais glossais (Acts 2:4), they also saw the movements of their mouths.

Those who responded well to the stimulus were thus able to hear the disciples declare the wonderful works of God. Those who responded poorly, accused them of being full of new wine.

So, what makes for the difference? The difference is, what are you primed to hear? What is your predisposition?

We know that later on in Acts 2, there were still two categories of people in the crowd: those who gladly received Simon Peter's words and agreed to baptism, and everyone else.

This shows that some were open to the miraculous move of the Holy Spirit, and others were obstinate of heart.

In not so many words, the Acts 2 account is describing a very interesting auditory effect not too dissimilar to the Brainstorm or Green Needle phenomena, recently made famous through social media a couple of years ago. Have a look below in the video below.

If you watch and listen to the video, depending on which of the two phrases you visually encounter first, or focus on, you will hear that phrase in place of the other. But if you refresh your focus and come back to the video, attending to the other phrase, you will hear that one instead.

But the audio is the same no matter which phrase you happen to hear.

I submit it's similar to speaking with other tongues. The Holy Spirit gives the utterance. The "language" as it were, is not a known language of human origin. It is supernatural in derivation, of the heavenly realm, i.e. the "tongues...of angels", as Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:1.

And, depending upon one's predisposition, they will, in effect, "hear what they want to hear".

In Acts 16:4, we read of Lydia, and how the Lord had already opened her heart, making her ready to hear what Paul would come to preach. So, for those whose hearts have been opened by the Lord, when they encounter someone speaking with other tongues, they will be amazed, impressed, certain that it is the work of God. But for those whose hearts remain closed, if or when they hear someone speak with other tongues, they will disclaim it as aberrant, abhorrent, even of the devil.

In this, then, the miracle occurs in the speaker, but the effect of the miracle takes place in the hearer, depending on the tenderness or hardness of the heart. Pharoah comes to mind. The Lord hardens whom He hardens and has mercy on whom He will have mercy.

Last edited by votivesoul; 11-03-2022 at 08:25 PM.
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