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Old 05-30-2018, 10:09 PM
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Re: The Unhappy Gay's

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
Yes, women wear pants suits, ties, jeans, and other apparel that is similar to men's, very short hair, and most don't think anything of it.

I am curious as to why are women given so much leeway in our culture?

In my mind it reinforces the need for women to be careful of gender distinction.

In our society, if women blur the line, why shouldn't men blur the line also?
Man was made first in God's order of creation. That has always been God's intention. Where ever we are in society, i.e. feminism, men are the leaders of society and whether we want to admit that are not, society knows that is the case.

A wordy view and example would be Tim Allen's show, Last Man Standing. The reason his show is so successful and why the viewers raised all kinds of Cain when it was cancelled is because he acts like a man and not some limp wristed cross dresser.

Last edited by Pressing-On; 05-30-2018 at 10:14 PM.
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Old 05-30-2018, 11:28 PM
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Re: The Unhappy Gay's

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Man was made first in God's order of creation. That has always been God's intention. Where ever we are in society, i.e. feminism, men are the leaders of society and whether we want to admit that are not, society knows that is the case.

A wordy view and example would be Tim Allen's show, Last Man Standing. The reason his show is so successful and why the viewers raised all kinds of Cain when it was cancelled is because he acts like a man and not some limp wristed cross dresser.
I loved that show. Didn’t care for Eve. Her punchlines were to predictable.
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Old 05-31-2018, 02:37 AM
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Re: The Unhappy Gay's

The message our culture sends to women is it is good that they run around half naked or wearing the pants, because they should provide free sex and pay the bills at the same time.

On the other hand, Apostolic men who preach holiness and family are trying to restore women's place of being respected and cared for and able to raise their children at home.
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~Tolkien
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Old 05-31-2018, 02:59 AM
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Re: The Unhappy Gay's

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
Isn't it interesting the revulsion that we all feel towards a male cross dresser. And yet, outside of holiness churches, a female is hard pressed to find a line to cross and be labeled or reviled as a cross dresser, why is this?
I think this goes toward an important point regarding Adam and Eve, and what Paul taught in Romans 5 and 1 Timothy.

Paul wrote that Eve was deceived, and so, was in the transgression, likely inferring the fact that Eve added to the word of God (or Adam did) when she said "neither may we touch it", which is not present in the commandment God originally gave to Adam.

But note something important. Paul, while assigning a level of transgression and deception to Eve for her actions, never once writes that her transgression brought upon the entire human race the death element as the wages of sin.

Adam alone incurred that penalty. For as long as Adam did not eat, everything was fine, and Eve could have been saved through childbearing (her seed versus the seed of the serpent ushering in the Messiah, for example).

So, what is it then? The serpent of today knows that he might adequately deceive women, the daughters of Eve, into committing transgression against the word of God, but the real goal of his machinations, is to get the sons of Adam to follow Eve into her error. If he can do that, he can perpetuate the death curse.

Adam's fall from grace was penalized with the loss of Paradise. If the sons of Adam continue to fall by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, not only will the women of the world be doomed to live in deception and transgression, the world itself will be doomed and any hope of any kind of Paradise will again be lost.

So, in society, deception and transgression in women is much easier to tolerate, because it doesn't automatically signal the end of civilization. But when the men follow Eve into the same mess, they become world destroyers.

The moment God found Adam and interrogated him about his actions, Adam blamed Eve and God. He immediately distanced himself from his own responsibility for his actions, and claimed victimization from his wife and from his Creator. Men have been shifting the blame ever since. And when Adam did so, instead of humbly confessing and repenting before his Maker, he incurred wrath and exile from heaven on earth.

This is the work of the serpent, even today, upon the minds of men everywhere. However much a woman may bristle at the idea, men run the show and it's a man's world, after all; men are the last line of defence. If we don't hold the line, the weaker vessel will never be saved.
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Old 05-31-2018, 05:40 AM
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Re: The Unhappy Gay's

Originally Posted by RachelRose View Post

I will need to pray extra long
Sounds like a good idea.

Originally Posted by RachelRose View Post
2) are you suggesting when I look like a Geisha that is mocking you?
It sure wasn't the Geisha.
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Old 05-31-2018, 10:36 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: The Unhappy Gay's

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
The message our culture sends to women is it is good that they run around half naked or wearing the pants, because they should provide free sex and pay the bills at the same time.

On the other hand, Apostolic men who preach holiness and family are trying to restore women's place of being respected and cared for and able to raise their children at home.
Good points.

When I read your post I had a thought... it's like feminism is a backfiring failure. It has indeed helped to create a society wherein women are expected to work to pay the bills and provide free sex on demand. Isn't that the kind of exploitation the "feminist" movement was about overcoming???
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Old 05-31-2018, 10:39 AM
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Re: The Unhappy Gay's

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Good points.

When I read your post I had a thought... it's like feminism is a backfiring failure. It has indeed helped to create a society wherein women are expected to work to pay the bills and provide free sex on demand. Isn't that the kind of exploitation the "feminist" movement was about overcoming???
amen, true freedom is only found in following God's plan in the bible.
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~Tolkien
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Old 06-01-2018, 11:33 AM
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Re: The Unhappy Gay's

Originally Posted by RachelRose View Post
You were kind enough to ask good questions so here we go (I am typing and watching President Trump on the TV).

1) In your travels what is your experience and
Thinking of experience I have found the USA is the only country that has a problem with boys dressing like girls OR girls dressing as boys. As I stated in an earlier post, the women always dress as the boy in the theater because it is shameful for a Korean man to perform in the theater. In Japan the boy always dresses as the girl in the theater because it is shameful for a man to perform in the theater.

As for the USA I have discovered there are two types of boys that dress as a women: drag queens and those that are not drag queens. I have met gay and straight men on both sides of that division.

2) opinion of men who are cross dressers?
My opinion: there are many, many reason a boy would dress as a girl or a girl dresses as a boy. I is completely depending on intent. If the intent is to do something bad then my opinion is that person is bad. Intent has everything to do what the person is wearing.

3) Is it normal for a man to want to dress and present themselves as a woman?
It depends on many, many things. I was surprised at how many, normal men or women that had normal lives wanted to try to feel like the other gender. So yes, I think it is normal. What you do with that curiosity is what sets you apart from the not normal.

4) Do you believe God wants there to be a distinction between men and woman?
Yes I do think there should be very distinct gender roles. This is particularly essential if there are children present.

5) If we are going to discuss things associated with homosexuality I would think this subject has a lot more bearing that the ridiculous notion that beards have anything to do with it since historically beards (facial hair) have been one of the primary distinctions God gave between men and women.
Permit me to ask this: why do we Apostolic assume that a girl wearing pants or a by wearing a dress are homosexuals?

That was fun!
R.R. you may think that your intent is honest, but if you are being deceptive then you are deceived. Please pray about and see if this is an area of your heart that you need God to bring deliverance and healing to.
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~Tolkien
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