His NAME is Jesus!
Originally Posted by Sean
Good stuff.
(1) A teacher knows his calling in the Lord.
(2) Men cannot impose it on him, but God only. The very desire comes
from God, and is unexplainable.
(3) God gives the teacher the ability and the necessary revelations in His word to explain them to students.
(4) Teaching the word of God demands spiritual discernment and common sense.
(5) Teaching secular stuff just requires common sense(hopefully), and is a chosen career by men/women.
(1) A Minister should understand his Office (the Spirit of Understanding
corresponds to obedience);
(2) If God would impose His will, men would be left without "free will"
(the opportunity to CHOOSE between right or wrong);
(3) this cannot be done without KNOWING the gospel that saves: a person
can BELIEVE and not KNOW!
(4) any Office in the Ministry first requires faith, then obedience (the
gift of the spirit of discernment
could be involved);
(5) Secular teaching does not necessarily correspond to an Office in the
Lord's Ministry.
Brother Villa