Originally Posted by Pressing-On
Feeling better now.
Actually, I was responding to your initial post, ending with the mocking SNL skit, before you came back and included her actual quote.
Wait a tick...I came back? I came back?? HA! I did no such thing!
Originally Posted by Pressing-On
So, my question is, after you ended your post with the SNL skit that mocked Palin, what made you come back and add the actual quote? Because it really appears that you want to continue mocking her.
1. I did NOT "come back and [include] her actual quote!" Look again, and make sure you take the literal view and don't try to guess at what the website doesn't show. And don't try to explain what the website was thinking or why. Just look below the post. Now, do you see a "
Last edited by n david" line under that post? No, you don't.
Here's why. I wrote it that way intentionally. I put the asterisks and made the font small as a disclaimer line. Because I knew if I didn't include the actual quote, you would post and whine about it. So I included that in the original post. I did not come back and add it afterwards, due to feeling some sort of guilt.
2. "It really appears that you want to continue mocking her." Uhm, okay. I'm an equal opportunity mocker, unlike you. See, you have no problem mocking obama or other democrats. You certainly have no problem trashing Romney. That's well documented in your posts on here. So stop being a hypocrite!
Here's one you may like. obama needs hooked on phonics to help him spell. Maybe the reason he can't give or get "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" is because he can't spell "R-S-P-E-C-T."
Here's another... Sheila Jackson Lee (from TX!) said we [US] have lasted "some 400 years." Now that's just plain ignorant right there. It's time TX voters send her into retirement, and it's time Congress imposes a knowledge test on its members. That should be something no member of Congress ever gets wrong.
See, I've posted stuff like this about obama and the Democrats over and over with no complaint or attack from you. Yet, the moment I do the same against someone you like, you go all out trying to guess at what they meant (which you should immediately cease and desist from doing), and complain about me acting like a jerk, being nitpicky or calling me a liar.
Originally Posted by Pressing-On
I was thinking that votivesoul's post was making you feel a little bad about your treatment of her, which isn't a bad thing to happen.
I knew there would be a problem when I read the first three words, "I was thinking."
Please. That post was as I described before: a bunch of self-righteous, judgemental baloney.
You're on a roll, PO! It's not a roll I'd want to be on, but it's a roll nevertheless!
1. Claimed Delay didn't say something...but he did.
2. Claimed I was incorrect with Palin's actual quote...but I wasn't.
3. Claimed I came back and edited my post to include a quote...but I didn't.
#s one and two are the worst, because it's just laziness and outright bias against me to get those wrong. Delay's quote you completely ignored. And it took me less than 10 seconds to google for Palin's exact quote....from multiple sources....which you could've found yourself.
Edit...and here's what the website does when you edit a post.