Originally Posted by jediwill83
I totally agree...its healthy...but just because it says forsake not it is automatically assumed that if one DOES forsake assembly that the consequence is hell....."Missed church?...Yep...that's a smitin" My point is this...doing the right thing isn't enough...I believe its important to understand the right reason for doing those things as well.Am I attending to avoid hell?Or am I attending because I need to be encouraged and uplifted?
Excellent point. I feel completely like a new man after every church service. The only thing I was saying is we need fellowship, we need to be around our brothers and sisters (or brother or sister) and glorify the Lord. I feel like when brothers and sisters get together, we're celebrating the day of Pentecost, coming together in one accord. How can singing and praising the Lord, getting fed by the word, and praying, together with some of our brothers and sisters, be a bad thing? Like I said before, this can be done with two or three, or it can be done with fifty. Myself, if I didn't have a church family and authority to uplift me, I wouldn't make it. I depend on church family.