It's often said, "Love the sinner, hate the sin." But I believe you should, "Love the sinner, hate your own sin."
Why not tell Not For Sale to calm down? How is my post wrong? He is saying the Bible is nothing. He has chosen to enter a thread where Im teaching on the fear of God.
Paul said to reprove, rebuke and exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. Thats not condemning its warning. Its teaching. Im encouraging people to believe what is written in scripture. If I did not take this seriously I would not bother with it.
Why not tell Not For Sale to calm down? How is my post wrong? He is saying the Bible is nothing. He has chosen to enter a thread where Im teaching on the fear of God.
Paul said to reprove, rebuke and exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. Thats not condemning its warning. Its teaching. Im encouraging people to believe what is written in scripture. If I did not take this seriously I would not bother with it.
Do you know where you will spend eternity?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
You are part of large group of people who would answer that way. Think any of you folks will be among those surprised to hear "Depart from me"? Think some of you may slip up between now and, well, too late?
If one is not sure they are saved they are not saved.
So the 8 who answered something less than "100% sure" (and some or all of the 10 "other" voters, I suppose) in the poll "Are you sure you're saved?" aren't saved! Interesting.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
If you need faith to be healed from sickness, does it always work?
If you need faith to be saved, will it work?
At least with healing, you can tell whether it worked or not, and get a doctor to try to do the job, if God decided not to. With salvation, you don't get a second chance. (Unless the UR guys are right! )
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Of course I do. If one is not sure they are saved they are not saved.
Michael, I think that is a little strong.
In the climate of many of our churches which teach a performance based religion, I believe lots of folks are genuinely saved but are kept in a state of fear and doubt by their leaders.
Michael, I think that is a little strong.
In the climate of many of our churches which teach a performance based religion, I believe lots of folks are genuinely saved but are kept in a state of fear and doubt by their leaders.
Explain performance based religon Sam. Also if we are saved by faith that must mean we are saved by believing. If we dont believe we are saved how are we saved?
Explain performance based religon Sam. Also if we are saved by faith that must mean we are saved by believing. If we dont believe we are saved how are we saved?
OK, I'll try to answer your questions
1. Performance based religion is a religion where a person gets saved or stays saved based on following certain rules. In other words, salvation by works. An example of something taught in performance based religion is that failure to designate 10 percent of one's income is disobeying God's rules about tithing and it is robbing God so the person who does not tithe loses salvation. Something else would be that a woman loses her salvation if she trims her hair or a man loses his salvation if he does not shave often enough. Stuff like that.
2. In my opinion, a person is justified/saved/born again by believing in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, however, that person may not realize that is all he/she needs to do and "salvation" is held out in front of him/her like a carrot on a stick. The person is saved but because of the teaching they hear, salvation is sort of an elusive dream out there some where and they never know if they are doing enough of the right stuff.
1. Performance based religion is a religion where a person gets saved or stays saved based on following certain rules. In other words, salvation by works. An example of something taught in performance based religion is that failure to designate 10 percent of one's income is disobeying God's rules about tithing and it is robbing God so the person who does not tithe loses salvation. Something else would be that a woman loses her salvation if she trims her hair or a man loses his salvation if he does not shave often enough. Stuff like that.
2. In my opinion, a person is justified/saved/born again by believing in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, however, that person may not realize that is all he/she needs to do and "salvation" is held out in front of him/her like a carrot on a stick. The person is saved but because of the teaching they hear, salvation is sort of an elusive dream out there some where and they never know if they are doing enough of the right stuff.
Good response. I've struggled with the "Works" issue since being in the Apostolic Church. The torment of not doing or obeying Church rules can leave a person wondering, "Am I saved?"
As a Church leader, I know people look to me for advice on this and I can easily use the "Unseen" to try and get them to cooperate. This is the type of fear that cancers the human spirit, and before long, crawling on glass must be done to be saved.
Some may feel the "Crawling on glass" conviction is way out there, but I'm from the Catholic movement, and knew Sis Charlotte when she was alive. She was a nun, and she crawled on glass to please her God. Fear drove this poor woman to think, "God desires this of me".
Paul fought tooth and nail with the Jews, trying to break them free from the Religion of "Law".
One thing that truly fascinates me. When Jesus walked the Earth, his target of rebuke was on those who lived by the letter. His visit to the Church was to flip tables and to tell the Holy, you've missed it! Then, He turns to a man who is simply confessing, "I'm a sinner, and in need of mercy", telling him, you're going back to your house justified.