I have been greatly moved, touched and thankful for all the outpouring of love, support and tender affection that have been displayed by my many friends here on this forum.
However, the news of my demise has been greatly exagerated.
Went to the doctor for a check up. She asked when did I have my heart-attack. I said that I did not have one. She said, "Oh YES. You've had one that the scars indicate." Well, I didn't know that I had one. Surprise! Surprise!
Anyway, she immediately scheduled me for a "nuclear" stress test. Imagine
that! I'm already "radioactive." lol.
A dear brother met me at the hospital where we waited for about an hour before I was called in for the test. I was not told that I was not suppose to eat after midnight before. I ate two pieces of toast and it disqualified me from the test. Soooooo....evidently they are not too woried since it was not scheduled the next day, but the 24th.
Again, I so appreciate the love of such wonderful men and women of God, (both libs and cons,
) that I've come to know and appreciate over the years here and other forums.
I also appreciate the many phone calls from so many. You all are special to me.
I've not been around any of these forums very much for quite a while, since the demise of NFCF as there are some changes taking place in my life, affording me less time for my forum complusive addictions....
Some may thankful for that. LOL.
I've come to love you all in a special way even though there are many of you all that I have never met personally, yet I've come to know your heart and spirit.
I may not be here very much in the future, but I have all intentions of stopping by now and again for a routy bout of discussion in an effort to generate a little heat of passion and discussion. (What's a forum without a little of that?) Got to keep the old heart pumping, you know!
Again, I love all of you who agree with me. I love all of you who disagree with me. I love all of you who have not formed an opionion. I love all of you who couldn't care less. LOL.
Brother Strange
Now, I'm looking for a recent "Epleyism" to put in my signature line. Help me out, somebody.