Originally Posted by PraiseHymn
For the record, I'm not a racist nor did I see the statement that Lowery made to be a racist remark. Stop trying to rewrite history. It is what it is. White people did black people wrong (in the past) and now FINALLY we have begun to heal from all the pain and hurt that was caused. I thank and praise Jesus Christ (who is God almighty) that finally we are beginning to be as one. AMERICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're making a mistake by lumping every "white" person into the same bag. The history of race and human conflict is much more complex than that. And you are mistaken when you attack whites with the statement "Its a one way street. So in essence,
a white person could never say "until blacks do whats right" when we are talking about racial inequality."
I hesitate to provide the many examples that prove your error because I am concerned by what comes across as a racist tone in your post. So let me introduce you to myself and my family - at least a little bit, first.
My youngest son is so "white" (fair skinned) that he has had to endure taunts from other kids just like I did when I was a kid. In your attempts to relive the pain of your ancestors, have you ever considered what it's like to be taunted just because of the color of your skin? I have suffered those taunts and I am "white."
One cruel irony for my son is that though he is so white other people make fun of him, his
great uncle (
click the link and read about a real hero!) was in fact "black" (
a local NAACP Chairman!) and was burned alive by a mob of klansmen in 1966. As a "white" kid my son carries that heritage.
You mentioned the word "slavery." Do you know where that word comes from? It comes from the word "Slav." My grandmother was Bohemian and a Slav. In order to describe the terrible injustice "your people" suffered - you have to invoke "my people's" name! Now whose ancestors suffered the most? Yours or mine?
My great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather, Jacob Gipson, founded what must have been the first racially integrated churches on this continent. I have minutes from meetings from the 1790's through 1804 that describe the rather mundane comings and goings of the members of one of those churches in South Carolina. The people rejoiced when a "free black" or a "slave" joined the church just as much as they did when a "planter" or a "smithy" joined.
I have the census records of just about every member of my family from the very first US Census in 1790 onward. During the period of slavery in the United States the far right hand column was for the number of slaves owned by the individual listed. I have yet to find a family member with anything in that column. I did find an account in church records where my namesake and a "black" brother were admonished by the church for "drinking spirituous liquors" together. That happened in the late 1790's. Despite the drinking, do you think the ancestor for whom I was named had "embraced what was right," at least when it comes to racial issues?
Another historical point to consider when you look at slavery: The slave traders were never allowed inland in Africa during the period of the terrible slave trade. Instead, they purchased their captives from African tribes that had captured other Africans in the interior. The biggest slave trading nation throughout that period was the black African Kingdom of Benin, though the infamous Rei Juan (Portugese for King John) of Angola must have come in a close second. Benin's empire in those days covered almost all of modern day Nigeria and up through Ghana.
In other words, the slave trade could never have existed if it weren't for the blacks in Africa who were providing the product for the trade by capturing and selling other Africans.
What about the suffering of blacks today? It's real. Just take a look at the US prison population - it's disprortionately black. Some say that's because of the past legacy of slavery - not so! The phenomena of the black prison population is relatively new. And the suffering? Statistics have shown that the highest number of crimes committed by a person of color were committed against another person of color.
Basically, blacks treat other blacks far worse than whites in general do.