Have you ever watched a TV program on the law? I have one word for you...Intent.
If a soldier INTENTIONALLY kills a civilian guess what he is prosecuted. If the government INTENTIONALLY killed an innocent person the individuals responsible would be prosecuted for it. I have never heard of an unintentional abortion in an abortion clinic.
When war is waged it's a known fact that civilians will die. But deciding to go to war they are accepting that reality and their deaths are the result of the intent to go to war.
When the death penalty is employed it is a known fact that some may be unjustly executed. By adopting a death penalty such is accepted and their deaths are the result of the full intent to institute a death penalty.
But I'm not talking legality. I'm talking primarily on a moral level.
well boys lets shut the forum down. McFly has decided his point stands!
Here is the logic.
Obama runs an ad.
Ad says McCain will make abortion illegal.
Republicans talk about the ad and say it is dishonest.
Republicans are therefore using this as a scare tactic to keep people from voting for Obama because Obama has an ad that accuses McCain of making Abortion illegal.
You either have to be smoking crystal meth to follow this logic or you have to be a Keith Oberman starter kit. I dont know which and I dont know which would be worse.
the reader will note, that I attacked the logic. I addresssed the opinion...not the poster directly.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Have you ever watched a TV program on the law? I have one word for you...Intent.
If a soldier INTENTIONALLY kills a civilian guess what he is prosecuted. If the government INTENTIONALLY killed an innocent person the individuals responsible would be prosecuted for it. I have never heard of an unintentional abortion in an abortion clinic.
What do you suggest we do to women who procure abortions?
I believe it is. However, abortion is an issue that government has proven incapable of addressing through merely banning a procedure. A comprehensive approach is necessary. And seeing that in the real world a Westernized country like America will never outlaw abortion good sense demands we take a stand for policies that will help and encourage women in crisis pregnancies to choose life.
Now, you do open a rather large can of worms here. It’s been said that in the United States the percentage of executed criminals who were innocent of charges convicted for could be as high as 11%. Is that murder? Would you say a Christian is justified in opposing the death penalty on the grounds that it’s not worth risking the possibility of murdering an innocent person?
Also, in war the heaviest cost isn’t paid by the warring factions in power but rather the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. Would you say a Christian is justified in opposing war on the grounds that it results in the murder of innocent civilians?
I think we’d both agree….this world is fallen and brutal. That means we need to mediate the damage done…but we’ll never achieve a moral utopia. Rather it be abortion, the death penalty, or war it will always be with us and we must do what we can to minimize the damage of these social evils. Sadly, merely banning abortion doesn’t affect abortion rates. A more comprehensive approach is necessary.
No way can you include capital punishment and war killings in the debate about abortion, apples and oranges.
And the idea that if we just had more social programs to help hussies that sleep around to give them an incentive to not have an abortion is crazy. Fact is that there are muliple programs already. Many mothers (using the term loosely) have bastard childern now! They do not abort them. The govt steps in and provides healthcare for the child and mom. What more do you want for the strumpets? Give them a nice condo uptown, pay all their bills and a stipend until the baby is 18, include a vacation 2 times a year--once to the beach and another to the mountains. Give me a break!
People who think abortion is murder should support abortion because abortion reduces the number of abortions and therefore saves more babies from abortion.
those that oppose abortion are actully more supportive of child murder because opposing abortion leads to higher rates of abortion.
its complex people!
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!