To me, a special date is one where the man has a plan...invites you at least two weeks to 10 days ahead of time. He has an agenda planned out, tells her how to dress; i.e., casual, business casual, church clothes, or black tie...then he surprises he with a gift at the door, a plan, and if he does it right...that kiss will be inevitable
Just my thoughts on the matter.
Blessings, Rhoni
Well said.
Sadly, too many men don't understand that. Sadly, they put more thought and planning into hunting and fishing trips than building a friendship with a lady.
Well said. I'm serious, there is a serious deficit of men who can understand a woman. Paul wrote....
1 Peter 3:7
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
Every man should seek to "understand" women, especially their wives. Failure to do this will result in me...I know. Sadly more men "understand" the behaviors, habits, and preferences of deer or bass than women or their own wives.
I know that it might sound bad...but men need to study women. Learn what they're like. What are their behaviors, habits, preferences, interests, etc are. What makes them happy and what turns them on. Set out to learn what dazzles them, impresses them, endears them, and upsets them. Then learn to dwell with them according to that knowledge.
I agree and altho this may sound like I am boasting up my man to be something wonderful yep I am... He has spent the last 7 yrs doing just this! Why? Because as he will say to anyone... God wants that of him... He firmly stands behind the thought that the husband should love his wife with everything in him and he has gone to far extremes to get to know me better as a person and to understand my ways and I will tell you this much... Thats NOT an easy task! LOL
He treats me like a queen and he respects my every need and I do the same for him. One thing a man will find when they learn how to understand, treat and respect their wives/or soon to be wife is that they will then get an even greater relationship then they would ever imagine.. I have such an unending respect for my husband and I know he has the same for me! And out of that came a greater love and respect given to him by our children! They love and admire their daddy so much!
Sadly, too many men don't understand that. Sadly, they put more thought and planning into hunting and fishing trips than building a friendship with a lady.
Gents...are you listening?
And what's wrong with hunting and fishing????? Women do those things too!! We even bait our own hooks and dress our own deer!!!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Sadly, too many men don't understand that. Sadly, they put more thought and planning into hunting and fishing trips than building a friendship with a lady.
Gents...are you listening?
This is so true!
Another thing married men need to remember....
Just because you are married does NOT mean you are done showing her she is special!
Take her out on dates! Get someone to watch the kids if they are young and take her out!!!
Dont wait for her anniversary or birthday...
My husband works out of state 2 weeks a month and is home 2 weeks... when he is home... we are very busy but he makes sure that Friday nights are mine... he takes me out and shows me how special I am... Saturdays are the kids... he takes them to the mall or whatever and then on Sat night He or we take them out to eat or to do something that they choose to do... Make her feel special... Because if she is not first in your life everything else will suffer!
We learnt during a tough time in our ministry that we ended up putting our church first and not each other and the church suffered and we definitely suffered badly... Thank God we caught this quickly and fixed it!
And what's wrong with hunting and fishing????? Women do those things too!! We even bait our own hooks and dress our own deer!!!
Nuthin' wrong with it. Nuthin' at all.
But in my opinion, if you're a guy and putting more thought into those things than how to understand your girlfriend or wife...there's going to be a "playa" that's going to cause you some grief down the line when he has her and you don't.