Originally Posted by Coonskinner
Careful there.
A lot of things have gone on in the neighborhood there that would make some interesting discussion if it were reported.
That is, until it got deleted.
I LIVED in the neighborhood...in fact right down the street from WM's church. It's a beautiful edifice and they are good people. Just more conservative than some. But it really bothered me that our friends from Texas Youth Camp weren't allowed to fellowship with us once we got home. That really ROTS when you're a kid. Had a hard time with that while I was growing up. Then the kids got attitudes toward us and it hurt.
That's the sad thing in this deal. Just like racial prejudice is taught and passed down from one generation to the next, there seems to be "holiness" prejudice too. I.E. We hold a higher standard so we can't soil ourselves by associating with those low-life heatherns over at Life Tab.
The folks at Life Tab are FAMILY to me...so it really bugs me that you would dis them...