Originally Posted by Felicity
Not sure what you mean by "sin free" Stephen.
Do you not believe that the blood is there for continual cleansing if we avail ourselves of that IF we do sin? What about the scripture that says the blood of Christ "cleanseth" us from our sin. The "eth" always denotes a continual action. That is there for us when we need it and when we admit guilt and sin. Once you're cleansed, you're clean until the next time you sin or transgress. Then you can avail yourself of that cleansing once again.
Do you not believe the scripture that says that if we walk in the Spirit we will NOT fulfil the lust of the flesh?
I believe that it's possible to live in victory. In fact, I KNOW it is.
Sis. Felicity,
I also know that we can live an overcoming life by the Blood of the Lamb
and by the word of our testimony.
In the early 1930's, my maternal grandmother and her young son, our father,
attended a revival at the Virginia Point Methodist Church, in Fannin County,
north of Savoy, Texas. Our late father went forward to "accept Christ as
his personal Saviour". I heard him say many times through the years that it
was a good place to start but by no means no place to stop.
His maternal grandmother had been a charter member of the Methodist
church for 48 yrs., his mother for 21 yrs and as a new teenager, he was
going to be a Methodist
like his mother and grandmother. He loved to attend the Baptist Church be-
cause of the training union (youth program), but he was going to follow the
traditions of his elders and be a Methodist.
He found out a few after saying the sinner's prayer that try as he may, he
could not help but cussing as he had done previously. This concerned him
greatly. He told his mother that he didn't feel saved. She took him to the
pastor of the Methodist Church for counsel. He told young Robert's mother
that there was no way he could not sin a little every day. He said the boy
will just have to accept his salvation by faith. This did not satisfy the young
boy's mother as she very emphatically replied, "Then what did Jesus Christ
die for! The Bible said He died FOR our sins, not IN them". No doubt this
incident was preparing this family for not long after that, an old preacher
with his white-hairing blowing in the wind as he proclaimed the teaching of
the Apostles, on the street corner of their small town.
Grandma read her Bible regularly as a Methodist and her first reaction upon
hearing this new teaching was that she was going home and read her Bible
and prove that preacher wrong. My dad, having some knowledge of the JW
teachings because of two uncles that liked to argue with them. He told his
mother, "Mother, sounds like more of that JW doctrine, don't you think"?
"No, Son, I've searched the scriptures and it's in there". How close we could
have come to have not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness. I
thank God that Grandma was wise enough to not listen to a "child" as he was
not yet mature enough to make that decision. He decided maybe he should
listen more closely after his mother's answer. He had much confidence in his
mother who he knew to be endeavoring to follow God in all that she knew.
She was very devout as far as what she understood. They repented, was
baptized in Jesus Name and received the Holy Ghost after. Daddy said they
found what they had needed.
They found POWER to live an overcoming life and found an Advocate if they
did miss Him. I too know from experience that we can live overcoming lives
by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.
I received this same experience 50 yrs. ago this year. Yes. I have made
mistakes, repented and moved on. All of our children (all married to their
original spouses) have received the same experience and are living over-
coming lives, active in church with all of their children there with them.
If we will be faithful to God, He will be faithful to us. If we take care of
the things that are precious to Him, He will take care of those things which
are precious to us. The blessings of the children lie in the obedience of
their parents. The children are blessed by those who precede them.
Better than what we can leave TO our children is what we leave IN them.