OK Old Paths I will look forward to how you handle the next time you engage an invisible condition that bears witness in your spirit and then you try to explain it to folks who need, expect or demand physical proof.
If a group of folks NEED PROOF that a spirit-filled servant, who is preceived as having prophetic giftings, is fellowshipping with a spirit that had its influence as far back as Balaam AND/OR has opened himself to the manner of human persuasions seen in another place (Wisdom Church), what proof would you bring to "break-it down".
People who love to talk about man vs. man, will want to see the receipt for the tapes that the prophet bought for $58.00 from Murdock.
Others will ask, consider and ultimately need to judge in their spirit, why was the "uncommon seed for an uncommon harvest" uttered by the prophet when:
1. It has no specific biblical cite
2. It embodies the challenge that Parsley's book and Murdock's message put forth.
So Old Paths, I look forward to seeing how you break down spiritual experiences with the needed PROOFs that individuals who see it as a man v. man situation are looking to have brought into this court of public opinion.
I have taken no sides in this whole ordeal.
Really could care less.
Not my fellowship.
Simply made an observation about a teacher's ability.
Simply made an observation about a teacher's ability.
Old Paths,
were you making a direct allusion to the absence of a "good teacher" in this exchange?
PS. Curious 'bout something....if your statement is a genuine, heartfelt true witness that you "could care less" why post...or should we take your typed utterances as just "hit or miss" ideas?
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
I'm in early but I've been praying and meditating throughout the day as to how best convey the proof so much in demand, though I doubt the honesty and sincerity of some who have demand it. As I have prayed and meditated on it, I feel that the Lord has imparted wisdom to me to teach it and give proof of those things that I've been talking about.
However, after thinking about it, I am not going to give it on this forum. I am going to work on it this evening and give it to those who will ask for it. There are some who are insincere and dishonest enough to not deserve it, but it will be given to them also, if they will ask for it.
Brother tbpew, I've been reading your posts and I am greatly gratified and grateful for the obvious wisdom that the Lord has bestowed upon you. I greatly appreciate you and also appreciate the time that you have taken to impart some fine words here that are also modifed by a moderating spirit. It is a pleasure to read them.
You never know who are reading your posts and are being instructed by them. Sunday night after church a young man came to me and asked if I was the brother Strange that posted on GNC some time ago. I said that I was. He expressed his thanks because he had learned a great deal from my threads and posts there. So, keep it up my brother. There may be someone in China or someone in your neighborhood reading your words that will be helped by them. Certainly, they have been an encouragement to me.
I'm in early but I've been praying and meditating throughout the day as to how best convey the proof so much in demand, though I doubt the honesty and sincerity of some who have demand it. As I have prayed and meditated on it, I feel that the Lord has imparted wisdom to me to teach it and give proof of those things that I've been talking about.
However, after thinking about it, I am not going to give it on this forum.I am going to work on it this evening and give it to those who will ask for it. There are some who are insincere and dishonest enough to not deserve it, but it will be given to them also, if they will ask for it.
Well, since I've been one that's asked, or rather, demanded the proof, and I'm completely sincere in my request, errr, demand . . . does this mean I can FINALLY get the answers I've been waiting a few days to get?
I mean, I'm not going to hold my breath or anything; and I'll only believe it when I see it. But this could be signs of progress . . .
Why don't you just call him instead of trying to get someone else to do it for you. Oh yah, forgot, you must be led of the HG first before confronting someone either via phone or face to face....public internet forums are exempt from such HG leading however.
That's debatable.
Even more debatable. I imagine he could be blessed . . . if he could understand the words coming out of your mouth. Shoot, several of us can't understand what you're typing, much less having to hear you say it. But of course, I'm just a dumb, little, stupid, ignorant, novice according to you.
Gosh.....going from calling him a coward to calling him a liar?
No, you don't have to say it in those exact words, but implication is close enough, IMO.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!