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Old 01-09-2019, 04:30 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

I found a post card of a Free Methodist Church from 1915 on Ebay. I compared it to the Emanuel Pentecostal Mission and I think the old mission was once a Free Methodist Church. Both buildings were built in the same time period. They were both located in Fresno.

The Pentecostal Mission building no longer stands. Not sure about the Free Methodist Church.

Yes, I need to do some more research.

Selma Nelson was the matron of the Emmanuel Pentecostal Mission. It began as the Salem Home for Girls. Unwed pregnant teens, to be precise.

David Gray, Olive Gray and Clyde Haney were students at the Mission school. So were Helen and Louis Haney, missionaries to Liberia. Carl Hayden also was a student of Selma Nelson. He was to be one of the first teachers at WABC, but tragically died in an automobile accident before he could teach at WABC.

Hopefully, members of the Hayden family will have some old pics of Fresno, Liberia, or other events in early Pentecost.

Olive Haney wrote about her experiences in Fresno, but does not name the Matron at Fresno.

This is your update for today.
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Old 01-12-2019, 08:29 AM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Anyone ever figure out who Harry Morse is?

Also why should we care?

Not being sarcastic, but this is a huge thread. Why should anyone care about this guy, and who he supposedly was?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 01-12-2019, 02:40 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

On a whim, I decided to write the biography of someone I knew next to nothing about.

Harry Isaac Morse was the mentor to Clyde Haney, his old student.

I graduated from Christian Life College, a Bible College founded by Clyde Haney. In fact, Clyde's wife, Olive Haney, was one of my instructors. I have been friends with her grandchildren ever since. But I have not seen any of them in nearly 20 years.

What influence did Harry Morse have on the education I received from the son of Clyde Haney ?? Who was Harry Morse and what was his story ?

No one has compiled his story, so I took it upon myself to do so.

At first, I could not find anyone who knew Harry. But as my research skills improved, clues provided names of those who did know him. Some of those people were still alive.

So I interviewed those I could. The rest of his ministry peers were persons who no one else had written about. So I complied the stories of many of Harry's ministry peers. I compiled a list of Harry's students. I wrote their histories.

The living descendants of former students have encouraged me to finish this project. It is winding down.

The spread of Pentecostalism from Los Angeles to San Francisco has been documented. The impact of Peniel Mission on Pentecostalism has been compared. A history of the PCI in California has been assembled.

Dozens of pictures from preWW2 Oneness Pentecostalism have been gathered. Bit and pieces of Pentecostal documents have been conserved at the AOG archive.

Eventually, the book will end up at a publisher. The collection of obscure Oneness books that continue to pile up will end up at Urshan Seminary.

Hopefully, a real scholar or historian will use the collected data for real research.

I have other challenges in life screaming for my attention. When this book project concludes, I can focus on other things.
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Old 01-12-2019, 02:44 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Originally Posted by Scott Pitta View Post
On a whim, I decided to write the biography of someone I knew next to nothing about.

Harry Isaac Morse was the mentor to Clyde Haney, his old student.

I graduated from Christian Life College, a Bible College founded by Clyde Haney. In fact, Clyde's wife, Olive Haney, was one of my instructors. I have been friends with her grandchildren ever since. But I have not seen any of them in nearly 20 years.

What influence did Harry Morse have on the education I received from the son of Clyde Haney ?? Who was Harry Morse and what was his story ?

No one has compiled his story, so I took it upon myself to do so.

At first, I could not find anyone who knew Harry. But as my research skills improved, clues provided names of those who did know him. Some of those people were still alive.

So I interviewed those I could. The rest of his ministry peers were persons who no one else had written about. So I complied the stories of many of Harry's ministry peers. I compiled a list of Harry's students. I wrote their histories.

The living descendants of former students have encouraged me to finish this project. It is winding down.

The spread of Pentecostalism from Los Angeles to San Francisco has been documented. The impact of Peniel Mission on Pentecostalism has been compared. A history of the PCI in California has been assembled.

Dozens of pictures from preWW2 Oneness Pentecostalism have been gathered. Bit and pieces of Pentecostal documents have been conserved at the AOG archive.

Eventually, the book will end up at a publisher. The collection of obscure Oneness books that continue to pile up will end up at Urshan Seminary.

Hopefully, a real scholar or historian will use the collected data for real research.

I have other challenges in life screaming for my attention. When this book project concludes, I can focus on other things.
Scott do you believe like the Haneys once believed?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 01-12-2019, 02:54 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Originally Posted by Scott Pitta View Post
Hopefully, a real scholar or historian will use the collected data for real research.
To be honest, the information will probably collect dust. Or be utilized by people who would like to disparage the Pentecostal movement. Thomas A. Fudge went around and collected a huge amount of material about our movement. He wrote his books, and the material which he didn't enter into his books was stowed away. Writing of books there is no end. Sad how having guys like you and Fudge write books we usually get your views, and opinions mixed into the writing. Then the rest of the material is placed into the vault of time. Hardly ever seeing the light of day. Who is Harry Morse? Why should the rest of the earth care? Who is Clyde Haney? Why should the people of Florida care? You went to his college, and reading your material over the years should I take you as a representative of his teachings? Do you still believe like Olive, and Clyde Haney? Do you still represent the knowledge of his college?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 01-12-2019, 07:17 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Clyde Haney provided a fine collection of large prophecy charts. He also penned a shot book about prophecy and Revelation.

Other than the above mentioned, I have no idea what Clyde Haney taught.

Harry Morse wrote a handful of articles, but no major works. I do have a full set of Bible School notes from one of his former students. So I know which topics he covered, but other than verses used for each topic, little explanation accompanies the notes. His classes on practical theology, like how to conduct a saints meeting, are more detailed.

Harry Morse was at Azusa Street and was at the Arroyo Seco camp meeting when the revelation of the Oneness of God was revealed. He also rubbed shoulders with missionaries to Asia prior to WW2. These topics are of interest to historians.

Morse brought Pentecostalism to central California, Idaho and Washington. He is remembered by locals for feeding and clothing the poor to poverty stricken citizens during the great depression.

The book, and the other topics will certainly be of interest to those living on the west coast.

Data gathered will not be influenced by my beliefs. But interpreting the data and providing conclusions will need to be reviewed by a mean editor to wash out my fingerprints.

What a person believes changes or developed over time. My faith is the same as when I was a student. Specific details of what I believe have changed. Since some issues I face were not covered when I was a student, I do not know if I am in compliance or not with what my teachers believed.

Not all teachers were identical in their beliefs.

Descendants of those in the book want the book project seen to a completion. So do Harry's students I have interviewed.
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Old 01-12-2019, 07:26 PM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Originally Posted by Scott Pitta View Post
Clyde Haney provided a fine collection of large prophecy charts. He also penned a shot book about prophecy and Revelation.

Other than the above mentioned, I have no idea what Clyde Haney taught.

Harry Morse wrote a handful of articles, but no major works. I do have a full set of Bible School notes from one of his former students. So I know which topics he covered, but other than verses used for each topic, little explanation accompanies the notes. His classes on practical theology, like how to conduct a saints meeting, are more detailed.

Harry Morse was at Azusa Street and was at the Arroyo Seco camp meeting when the revelation of the Oneness of God was revealed. He also rubbed shoulders with missionaries to Asia prior to WW2. These topics are of interest to historians.

Morse brought Pentecostalism to central California, Idaho and Washington. He is remembered by locals for feeding and clothing the poor to poverty stricken citizens during the great depression.

The book, and the other topics will certainly be of interest to those living on the west coast.

Data gathered will not be influenced by my beliefs. But interpreting the data and providing conclusions will need to be reviewed by a mean editor to wash out my fingerprints.

What a person believes changes or developed over time. My faith is the same as when I was a student. Specific details of what I believe have changed. Since some issues I face were not covered when I was a student, I do not know if I am in compliance or not with what my teachers believed.

Not all teachers were identical in their beliefs.

Descendants of those in the book want the book project seen to a completion. So do Harry's students I have interviewed.
Again, what is the point of who was Harry Morse? Look, all teachers had different beliefs? Harry Morse left a few articles, and some student scribbled some notes? Scott you don't even hold on to the "old paths" as to what those old paths were is sketchy, because the teachers didn't even agree. Harry Morse brought One God teaching into California? You sure about that? Was he actually One God, or two gods, or just a baptizer in Jesus name? Did he believe that you must have the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues? Azusa Street was a total barnyard of religious mayhem. My lands, do a study on what went on in that horse stable and you will distance yourself from that heritage.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 01-13-2019, 12:36 AM
derAlte derAlte is offline
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Scott, I'm glad you've done this research. As a young Pentecostal convert, I was blessed to know several members of the Yadon family and I was very fond of Ellis Scism. It is interesting to learn about Harry Morse who was a major influence to these men who I knew in their latter years.

I have come to understand from several sources, including my friend Tom Fudge's books that some of them did not believe the message of the New Birth the way I was taught it. I haven't moved on the Acts 2:38 message, but I will let God be their judge and will continue to the fondly remember the blessings imparted to me by them when I was young.
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Old 01-13-2019, 07:09 AM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

To be honest, I am more interested in movement and relationships than theology. Who did Harry know ? What was his social circle ? Did it change over time ?

I have been told the dustbowl transplants into California in the 1940's were culturally and theologically different from the Pentecostals who lived in California. But I do not know how to measure or document such a theory.

Nor am I writing about other Oneness Pentecostal groups in the golden state. I have not spilled any ink about the PAW or the Apostolic Assembly groups. The decision has been made to focus on people Harry Morse knew.

The social impact of WW2 on California and on Apostolic Pentecostalism needs to be explored by a real historian. I see glimpses of it. But there is a difference between seeing and understanding.

I blog here at AFF because I sometimes have specific questions that readers here can easily answer. Plus it is specifically Apostolic Pentecostal. The pictures that come my way usually end up at the WABC facebook page, where aging alumni can see their friends and hopefully identify people in pictures. I have yet to figure out how to post a picture at this site.

There are a few tasks I have yet to have taken up. I have not yet been to the UPC archive in Hazelwood. I really need to find old copies of the Gospel Tidings magazine. Driving down to Missouri is a simple logistical fete. I have no idea how or where to find the old Gospel Tidings magazines. If the Northwest District had a district magazine, I have not seen one.

Frank Ewart published a Magazine called Meat in Due Season. But only a handful of issues are still around.

I have tried tracking down the personal correspondence of Harry Morse and his church records, but they have been lost to time. Hopefully, class notes from one of his students will show up soon. I have one full set from 1928-1930. But a second set would be nice.

Aside from the pictures, the M.R. Tatman trove of documents and the 1928 Class notes are the most important discoveries I have made. The Tatman collection is with the AOG archive. I still possess the 1928 class notes. They will end up at the AOG archive as well. By giving them to the AOG, they will become available online to the public.

I have on the trail of Harry Morse for nearly 5 years. My ability to research persons has certainly improved. So has my documentation technique. My wife will be happy when I no longer need to subscribe to Ancestry.com and the other paid sites I visit. She will be happy when that pile of obscure books goes away. That collection will go to the Urshan Seminary library.

A very special thanks goes out to Jim Ellis, Steve Epley, deAlte and the many others who have kindly clarified issues and pointed me in the right direction. Writing a biography is a group activity.
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Old 01-13-2019, 08:08 AM
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Re: Who was Harry Morse ?

Originally Posted by Scott Pitta View Post
To be honest, I am more interested in movement and relationships than theology.
The tree has fallen.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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