Originally Posted by Old Paths
IMO the true hallmarks of a great Apostolic teacher is his God given ability to brake (break Just for Prof. Monkeyman, Oh Lord I wish I was perfect also) complex doctrines down so that the unlearned and even children can comprehend.
OK Old Paths I will look forward to how you handle the next time you engage an invisible condition that bears witness in your spirit and then you try to explain it to folks who need, expect or demand physical proof.
If a group of folks NEED PROOF that a spirit-filled servant, who is preceived as having prophetic giftings, is fellowshipping with a spirit that had its influence as far back as Balaam AND/OR has opened himself to the manner of human persuasions seen in another place (Wisdom Church), what proof would you bring to "break-it down".
People who love to talk about man vs. man, will want to see the receipt for the tapes that the prophet bought for $58.00 from Murdock.
Others will ask, consider and ultimately need to
judge in their spirit, why was the "uncommon seed for an uncommon harvest" uttered by the prophet when:
1. It has no specific biblical cite
2. It embodies the challenge that Parsley's book and Murdock's message put forth.
So Old Paths, I look forward to seeing how you break down spiritual experiences with the needed PROOFs that individuals who see it as a man v. man situation are looking to have brought into this court of public opinion.