Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. (Romans 14:4)
Scripture is its own interpreter. Nothing can cut a diamond but a diamond. Nothing can interpret Scripture but Scripture" Thomas Watson.
I know the story, yeah. But I was just offering you all the chance to explain it to me, one more time: why is a Savior necessary, again? (Yes, I already know the answer. But I want someone to say it! Why do I, Timmy, need a Savior? I need to be saved from what, exactly? And why am I in that predicament of needing saving?)
I've thought of it more so along the lines of this.... if god is the complete embodiment of all that is good... and he created us for a purpose and only those who adhere to the purpose get to spend eternity with him.... to be absent from god is to be absent from the presence of anything good. So that must mean that by elimination you are then in the presence of all that is evil.
Not that it is necessarily a punishment rather a principality of just how it is. I often wondered why God wouldn't just blink us out of existence rather than allow us to be subjected to torment... BUT I understand the soul to be the breath of life the God gave us and being created in his image and if all life comes from god and it is a part of him... well god cannot kill himself, or blink the breath of life that he gave to us out of existence because in an essence it is still part of him. Therefor he does away with it and sets it aside and moves on never to look back taking us out of his presence entirely..
The reason you need to be saved however is the fact that you are living in a world where everything you do is set at odds against you unless you succumb to it. I believe that we are indoctrinated at a very young age by the world to follow world views. Because if you really break it down, You know nothing that hasn't been show to you somewhere or somehow before.
All humans have is the ability to choose. Seriously, like look at it. Even your thoughts, when you think all you are doing is picking and choosing what or how things are going to go according to what you believe.. however to get to that point you had to be shown something to influence it. Even base thoughts like wiping your behind came from your parents. You didn't originally know how to do it. That goes into almost everything. Even speaking, you are just choosing what words you want to place where to convey a message, that could not have been conveyed without a source. So with that said you get out into the world and see what an elite group of humans who have been placed in a position tell you what they think. However you really never get to see behind the scenes of any of it so you have to choose whether you agree with it or not. Like science, I don't care what anyone says, unless you can bring me a theory yourself test it confirm it prove it in numerous ways using equipment and logic for yourself and I see it firsthand I'm not going to believe it. I believe thats how we should all approach things, unless we want them to snowball into a theory that becomes true just because there are enough people standing behind it who have no proof for themselves.
I think the reason you need a savior is to keep your mind fresh and to keep yourself from falling gullible to all of it, even the bible. Don't believe any of it until you experience it for yourself. Can't have everybody else tell you how it's supposed to work until you form your own opinion.
I've thought of it more so along the lines of this.... if god is the complete embodiment of all that is good... and he created us for a purpose and only those who adhere to the purpose get to spend eternity with him.... to be absent from god is to be absent from the presence of anything good. So that must mean that by elimination you are then in the presence of all that is evil.
Not that it is necessarily a punishment rather a principality of just how it is. I often wondered why God wouldn't just blink us out of existence rather than allow us to be subjected to torment... BUT I understand the soul to be the breath of life the God gave us and being created in his image and if all life comes from god and it is a part of him... well god cannot kill himself, or blink the breath of life that he gave to us out of existence because in an essence it is still part of him. Therefor he does away with it and sets it aside and moves on never to look back taking us out of his presence entirely..
The reason you need to be saved however is the fact that you are living in a world where everything you do is set at odds against you unless you succumb to it. I believe that we are indoctrinated at a very young age by the world to follow world views. Because if you really break it down, You know nothing that hasn't been show to you somewhere or somehow before.
All humans have is the ability to choose. Seriously, like look at it. Even your thoughts, when you think all you are doing is picking and choosing what or how things are going to go according to what you believe.. however to get to that point you had to be shown something to influence it. Even base thoughts like wiping your behind came from your parents. You didn't originally know how to do it. That goes into almost everything. Even speaking, you are just choosing what words you want to place where to convey a message, that could not have been conveyed without a source. So with that said you get out into the world and see what an elite group of humans who have been placed in a position tell you what they think. However you really never get to see behind the scenes of any of it so you have to choose whether you agree with it or not. Like science, I don't care what anyone says, unless you can bring me a theory yourself test it confirm it prove it in numerous ways using equipment and logic for yourself and I see it firsthand I'm not going to believe it. I believe thats how we should all approach things, unless we want them to snowball into a theory that becomes true just because there are enough people standing behind it who have no proof for themselves.
I think the reason you need a savior is to keep your mind fresh and to keep yourself from falling gullible to all of it, even the bible. Don't believe any of it until you experience it for yourself. Can't have everybody else tell you how it's supposed to work until you form your own opinion.
Did you miss me lolol
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
This is best answered to me by the feeling of remorse
that accompanies an act that one is inevitably not proud
of later. A mature person would make amends, if possible;
but often this is not possible. Now, with Christ, and 1 John 1:9,
one is able to overcome any guilt feelings--at least once they
are able to accept grace, which is tougher than it sounds for many,
I guess.
This is just a model; Christ from a human pov,
and doesn't really address the need for Christ
for a human from God's pov.