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Old 10-27-2007, 11:25 PM
SDG SDG is offline

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Originally Posted by Joseph Miller View Post
FPC is Pensacola is a awesome revival church.
Pensacola, Florida right? Doesn't Casey live in Alabama?
Old 10-27-2007, 11:26 PM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Originally Posted by Joseph Miller View Post
FPC is Pensacola is a awesome revival church.
Thats what I have heard too! But ya know.. they may have a bobbed haired woman or 2 that may be the problem!
Old 10-27-2007, 11:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
Something tells me NLYP is on to something ....
Wow. And Caston throws stones at another church? Caston? What became of the holiness that you folks brag about some much?
Old 10-27-2007, 11:27 PM
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Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Thats what I have heard too! But ya know.. they may have a bobbed haired woman or 2 that may be the problem!

We have some of them in our church, but we are a growing church so that is to be expected.
Old 10-27-2007, 11:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Joseph Miller View Post
We have some of them in our church, but we are a growing church so that is to be expected.
This just might be the wisest post on this subject yet.
Old 10-27-2007, 11:29 PM
JaneEyre JaneEyre is offline
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Originally Posted by nahkoe View Post
Hail, Jesus, You're my King
Your life frees me to sing
I will praise You all my days
You're perfect in all Your ways

Hail, Jesus, You're my Lord
I will obey Your Word
I want to see Your kingdom come
Not my will but Yours be done

Glory, glory to the Lamb
You take me into the land
We will conquer in Your Name
And proclaim that Jesus reigns

Hail, hail, Lion of Judah
How powerful You are
Hail, hail, Lion of Judah
How wonderful You are
Hey, Nahkoe and I can have church right here in the midst of "bobbed hair confusion"...Here's one of my favorites to sing to myself when I am really down. This song is called "Praise His Name"...

When you're up against a wall, and your mountain seems so tall
And you realize life's not always fair.
You can runaway and hide, let the old man decide
Or you can change your circumstances with a prayer

When everything falls apart - praise His name
When you have a broken heart - raise your hands and say
Lord You're all I need, You're everything to me, and He'll take the pain away
When it seems you're all alone, praise His name
When you feel you can't go on, just raise your hands and say
Greater is He that is within me, and you can praise the hurt away
If you'll just praise His name

I know you can overcome by the blood of the Lamb
By the work of your testimony
You'll see the darkness go as your faith begins to grow
You're not alone, so how can you be lonely?When you're up against a wall, and your mountain seems so tall
And you realize life's not always fair.
You can runaway and hide, let the old man decide
Or you can change your circumstances with a prayer

When everything falls apart - praise His name
When you have a broken heart - raise your hands and say
Lord You're all I need, You're everything to me, and He'll take the pain away
When it seems you're all alone, praise His name
When you feel you can't go on, just raise your hands and say
Greater is He that is within me, and you can praise the hurt away
If you'll just praise His name

I know you can overcome by the blood of the Lamb
By the work of your testimony
You'll see the darkness go as your faith begins to grow
You're not alone, so how can you be lonely?
Pray for America!
Old 10-27-2007, 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by JaneEyre View Post
Hey, Nahkoe and I can have church right here in the midst of "bobbed hair confusion"...Here's one of my favorites to sing to myself when I am really down:

When you're up against a wall, and your mountain seems so tall
And you realize life's not always fair.
You can runaway and hide, let the old man decide
Or you can change your circumstances with a prayer

When everything falls apart - praise His name
When you have a broken heart - raise your hands and say
Lord You're all I need, You're everything to me, and He'll take the pain away
When it seems you're all alone, praise His name
When you feel you can't go on, just raise your hands and say
Greater is He that is within me, and you can praise the hurt away
If you'll just praise His name

I know you can overcome by the blood of the Lamb
By the work of your testimony
You'll see the darkness go as your faith begins to grow
You're not alone, so how can you be lonely?When you're up against a wall, and your mountain seems so tall
And you realize life's not always fair.
You can runaway and hide, let the old man decide
Or you can change your circumstances with a prayer

When everything falls apart - praise His name
When you have a broken heart - raise your hands and say
Lord You're all I need, You're everything to me, and He'll take the pain away
When it seems you're all alone, praise His name
When you feel you can't go on, just raise your hands and say
Greater is He that is within me, and you can praise the hurt away
If you'll just praise His name

I know you can overcome by the blood of the Lamb
By the work of your testimony
You'll see the darkness go as your faith begins to grow
You're not alone, so how can you be lonely?
I like that song
Old 10-27-2007, 11:31 PM
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Originally Posted by FRINGE_NUTTER View Post
You have NOT answered my question.

I again ask this question for the third time:

If preachers are telling singers to sing songs about split skirts and they are doing it, what is on everyone's mind during the singing of that song more - the split skirts or Jesus?
They are thinking of Jesus and how great they are feeling at that very moment, it's the guy or gal walking out in a huff, who is thinking of something else.

Originally Posted by FRINGE_NUTTER View Post
.......I would not leave the church while that song was being sung. What I meant about leaving is that I would not care to stay (continue to attend) at a church where a song like that is sung.
Hey, that's totally cool, why stay anywhere that's not custom tailored to what you want. 31 FLAVORS you have your pick in America. There's a very interesting book out you should look at it's called "Shopping for God"


Originally Posted by FRINGE_NUTTER View Post
You put the "run out the door" part in. I didn't.... From reading your posts, you are one to jump to conclusions and try to second guess people.
No, it must be from all the laughter that I'm doing as I'm answering a post.
Listen who ever you are, I don't take this stuff personally, I am writing other material while I answer posts, and not trying to get anyone flipped out.
If you're offended just say "Evang.Benincasa you're offending me" and I will apologize and move on. Look you're not even using your name; I haven't the foggiest idea who or what you are, so please forgive me if I'm having too much fun. Again, this is not personal so don't take it that way.

Originally Posted by FRINGE_NUTTER View Post
So ridiculous to make statements about me running out and standing in a parking lot.
Yes, it is ridiculous, and you win a cookie, we are talking about a church singing songs that they like and have fun with. If you don't like what a certain congregation does, then you are more than welcome not to darken their door way ever again. They would probably miss you and wonder why the fuss over their song, but you are free to do as you please. Also the beauty of this country allows all men and women to have freedom to worship as they please. God bless America.

Originally Posted by FRINGE_NUTTER View Post
We are not all stereotypes of who you think we are.
Then use that thought when dealing with those who sing those songs.

Originally Posted by FRINGE_NUTTER View Post
Most of us on here are probably God-fearing, ethical, respectable, honest and sincere Oneness folks who come here for a little fun.
Who said they weren't? Let's no make this something it's not, shall we?

Originally Posted by FRINGE_NUTTER View Post
You cautioned others about being personal with Caston Smith and you try to personalize matters with anyone who responds to your posts in anyway that doesn't agree with you 100%. Brother, you really need to get a grip.
It would seem to me that it's you who needs to hold on. No problem on this end.

Originally Posted by FRINGE_NUTTER View Post
I have no argument with you.
Everyone has an argument, but not everyone has to fight.
We can argue and do it without problems. We can also be humerous while we are at it. We can shoot from the hip and not hurt each other. If you're being offended then I'm sorry, people do things for different reasons. Just as fast as you say that I come off wrong when people are not seeing it my way 100% then where do you come off having any comment about the "split skirt" song in the first place? That's what I think is so silly, you're making a judgement against those who would sing those songs in their worship?
Doesn't that place you in the position that you claim that I'm putting myself in?

Originally Posted by FRINGE_NUTTER View Post
Please don't try to pick one with me.
Pick one how? You made a statement and I answered it. You said you would leave a church that would sing such a song and I had fun with that.
What's the problem? You made a judgement and I made a judgement.

Originally Posted by FRINGE_NUTTER View Post
I attend a church where the gospel is preached very conservatively as you mentioned but all of this singing about splits is not part of our worship.
Bravo! So while you are in your church on Sunday know that the Brother who started this thread may be singing the Bobbed Hair song in his church.
While you are speaking in tongues in your place of worship, he will speaking in tongues in his place of worship. Everyone will be blessed and no one will have to leave after the singers sit down.

Originally Posted by FRINGE_NUTTER View Post
Sleep tight.

In Jesus name

Brother Benincasa

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Old 10-27-2007, 11:33 PM
JaneEyre JaneEyre is offline
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Originally Posted by Joseph Miller View Post
I like that song
Sometimes I feel as though I am up against the wall...and the mountain sure seems tall .......and all of us know that life is not always fair....but we have to keep praising Him. It's not optional. Forgiveness is not optional. If we love Him, we will keep His commandments - no matter how life is treating us.
Pray for America!
Old 10-27-2007, 11:33 PM
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Originally Posted by JaneEyre View Post
Hey, Nahkoe and I can have church right here in the midst of "bobbed hair confusion"...Here's one of my favorites to sing to myself when I am really down:

When you're up against a wall, and your mountain seems so tall
And you realize life's not always fair.
You can runaway and hide, let the old man decide
Or you can change your circumstances with a prayer

When everything falls apart - praise His name
When you have a broken heart - raise your hands and say
Lord You're all I need, You're everything to me, and He'll take the pain away
When it seems you're all alone, praise His name
When you feel you can't go on, just raise your hands and say
Greater is He that is within me, and you can praise the hurt away
If you'll just praise His name

I know you can overcome by the blood of the Lamb
By the work of your testimony
You'll see the darkness go as your faith begins to grow
You're not alone, so how can you be lonely?When you're up against a wall, and your mountain seems so tall
And you realize life's not always fair.
You can runaway and hide, let the old man decide
Or you can change your circumstances with a prayer

When everything falls apart - praise His name
When you have a broken heart - raise your hands and say
Lord You're all I need, You're everything to me, and He'll take the pain away
When it seems you're all alone, praise His name
When you feel you can't go on, just raise your hands and say
Greater is He that is within me, and you can praise the hurt away
If you'll just praise His name

I know you can overcome by the blood of the Lamb
By the work of your testimony
You'll see the darkness go as your faith begins to grow
You're not alone, so how can you be lonely?
Oh wow. I've never heard that song before. Do you have a title so I can try to find it to listen to it?

I will bless the Lord at all times
His praise shall continually be in my mouth
My soul shall make her boast in Thee, Lord
The humble shall hear thereof and be glad

Oh magnify the Lord with me
And let us exalt His name together
I sought the Lord and He heard me
And delivered me from all my fears
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