I for one do not believe that facial for men is wrong. I do it out of obedience
Obedience to who, men or God? I see where God commands men to not mar the corners of their beard, but I don't read where men were permitted to shave them off, do you?
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Tech, most of the people that are Pro Pants for women believe that Duet 22:5 is equavelant to ceremonial Law. If that is the case, then fine, let's not make it applicable. but if that's the case, there should be no laws regarding gender distinctions for Anyone group or culture.
It is my firm belief that you would have cultural chaos which is now happening in western culture. furthermore, I believe that God requires us to dress with a distinction of the sexes. this is to Protect US from the spirit of perversion. I don't see how this is so complicated to grasp.
Friend, do you practice the rest of Deut 22?If not then why one verse out of this chapter?If verse 5 is so important to you ,why not 6,7,8ect.
The Holy Ghost is there to protect you from a spirit of perversion.What a person has on or does not have on will not protect you from anything.
Do you believe that Duet 22:5 applies for our lives and culture for today or do you believe it was part of ceremonial Law ??
22:5 is part of the 613 laws of the torah Thad. To apply it to clothing today pants vs dresses is one of the most ignorant things we have ever done as OP's
Our interprtation of that scripture is heresy, plain and simple. People want to climb all over trinny's for their error of intrepetaion of the godhead, but we can be wrong as ants at a picnic and we think we get a free pass from God.
Good luck!
God has lavished his love upon me.
Obedience to who, men or God? I see where God commands men to not mar the corners of their beard, but I don't read where men were permitted to shave them off, do you?
this was a specific law for the hebrew male many thousands of years ago
It's just as I said in a prior post, our boss is the only person who we will allow to dictate what we should wear, and we only allow him to do so in order to receive a check.
#1 04-25-2007, 08:21 AM
Hot Coffee Ms.
It’s OK with most people if your boss dictates what we should wear. I know plenty who dress in uniform in order to hold a job, but He’s paying us to do this. That makes all the difference. It’s ok if our Boss expects us to report to work on time, and follow some form of standard. And we tolerate it if he gets on our case occasionally, after all he pays our salary, and that makes all difference in the world. We are willing to do lots of things we may not like in order to hold a job, but you will not allow our Pastor to lead you to Jesus.
My boss doesn't dictate what I do and wear off the job, I don't care how much I'm paid. His authority is limited.
A pastor is no different. His authority doesn't transcend over my entire life in everything that I do. He is responsible to preach the Word of God and his authority is limited by what God has written there.
He does NOT have authority to tell me what you do according to what he believes is right without scripture. For instance, he can't tell me not to eat chicken because he believes that it's a sin.
God is the ultimate authority and it's His authority that overrides the authority of those who are outside of the Word.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
22:5 is part of the 613 laws of the torah Thad. To apply it to clothing today pants vs dresses is one of the most ignorant things we have ever done as OP's
Our interprtation of that scripture is heresy, plain and simple. People want to climb all over trinny's for their error of intrepetaion of the godhead, but we can be wrong as ants at a picnic and we think we get a free pass from God.
Good luck!
then there is no law for anyone right ? everyone dress how they wish, the perverts , the guest on jerry springer because Duet 22.5 is not a moral law it was just a law for them. let's throw out Lev ?? man shall not lay with man and the 10 commandments while we are at