My wife...who is major into working out and running (she runs 3 miles in 28 minutes 4 times a week...that's a 9 minute mile!!!)...says the rule of thumb for women is 100 lbs for 5' and approx. 5 lbs for every inch above 5'10" would be 150ish lbs on average....
But she also noted that this would also be affected by frame and cannot be viewed so rigid...
Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
Pelathais, I sure hope you don't get banned for telling the truth.
I have seen so many lies posted. The best one is the one Triumphant 1 did his best to combat. You know, the hair cutting party thing?
Prominent members of this board chose to believe the lie and even continue to spread it, even though T1 had totally proved it was false.
then you sheould reflect and obey its guidelines.
you are suppose to represent the UPC as a member of one of its churches. just because you are not a card carrying memeber ......
Where does it say that in the Bible??
Or in the manual, for that matter?
Where I live, me wearing a skirt and having long hair DOES NOT identify me with being Apostolic, but rather, with the local cult group. The church here has been UPC for 40 years and we are lucky to have 40 people in church on Sunday mornings.
Why? Because people around here think the church is part of the cult group!!
No, that's not why I don't 'follow the standards', but what you said above doesn't apply to these parts.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
My wife...who is major into working out and running (she runs 3 miles in 28 minutes 4 times a week...that's a 9 minute mile!!!)...says the rule of thumb for women is 100 lbs for 5' and approx. 5 lbs for every inch above 5'10" would be 150ish lbs on average....
But she also noted that this would also be affected by frame and cannot be viewed so rigid...
I've heard that too, and if I was average frame, I'd agree.
When I was in 8th grade, I was 5'8", 140 pounds, and pretty thin. I've had two kids since then and no longer will ever go back to that weight. And I have an adult frame even more so now than then.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Where I live, me wearing a skirt and having long hair DOES NOT identify me with being Apostolic, but rather, with the local cult group. The church here has been UPC for 40 years and we are lucky to have 40 people in church on Sunday mornings.
Why? Because people around here think the church is part of the cult group!!
No, that's not why I don't 'follow the standards', but what you said above doesn't apply to these parts.
NOw that was down right Disgraceful and an assult on every UPC woman on this Forum!!! you owe them an apology HO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what about all the churches running several hundred or thousands that wear a dress?? how did they grow????