There's a catholic church a block from where I work where I try to go a couple times a week during my lunch break to commune with God and the other apostles. True story. One day this past spring, I picked up the church bulleten. In the announcements it invited all the ladies of the parish to come to church to help setp up for Palm Sunday. The announcement said:
Make plans to help clean the church this Thursday. Women will be stripping and cleaning palms for Palm Sunday.
I had to read it twice to make sure what I was reading. My catholic friend says they order palm leaves for Palm Sunday and have to do a little work on them before the service. It's hard to find a Catholic with a sense of humor during Lent, but my friend thought it was funny. I took that as a sign not only to proofread your bulletin, but read it aloud. Better yet, have someone else read it out loud. We do not need any embarassing mistakes like that in an apostolic bulletin.
Originally Posted by Rico
True. Sounds like we kept a lot of the bad in catholicism and didn't keep enough of the good!