Originally Posted by n david
As I have stated before, those are "trash" stats.
Not even worthy of being called statistics.
It is totally an opinion.
"Two weeks ago I published that 12 million Democrats crossed over. I defiantly claimed all of them voted for Trump, and used a "Trumper" websites 15.3 million vote count on purpose. That was designed to make people think."
The "That was designed to make people think", just means that he had no stats and that was his opinion.
"The idea that Trump got 12 million out of 12 million Democrat cross over votes was never realistic,"
In other words he lied.
And some here were pushing this as a valid statistical measurement
Now he has been ripped for his invalid "assumptions" posing as statistics so he is backing off to 8 or 9 million.
Again, he has done ZERO study on this.
He started out with a theory and is just trying to justify it.
Final snippet
"1) I am going to be a multi-Billionaire. I have a Patent and Patent Pending on new methods to store data. Delegates who want a political future should be in mind I have three states, Ally, Neutral, Enemy. Ally means amazing funds, support, and so forth. I plan to put billions into politics and with regards to current events I look on Trump allies as enemies."
This guy is a flake and anyone who posted his "stats" on here should be embarassed.