The two bolded parts of your post are a contradiction. If you preach against sports then most likely the conviction came from you, not God.
If one watches highlights after every game? Ok to watch the game but if you keep it on to see the highlights your in sin?
You only watch the highlights of a game for one reason, because you missed the game. I watch highlights of games that come on during church times because I will not choose staying home to watch a game over going to church. Am I in sin?
I preach against TV, there is nothing on it that glorifies God...only the flesh. If you have a TV in your home then you are not Apostolic! I have never preached against highlights, if one is not wrapped up in sports then they will not have a desire to watch highlights. And since i'm knee deep is also wrong to be involved in fantasy football leagues! I know a lot of you aren't going to like it but just because you don't want to believe the truth, the truth is still the truth!
They are neither your sheep, nor does scripture ever spell out that the job of a NT Pastor is to set any boundaries. They are God's sheep and the Pastor, as well as the rest of the 5 folds, job is to preach the word and be an example. The word says diddly hot squat about football, hockey, or any other sport or spending a few minutes checking scores to see if your team won a game or not.
I would go against what you preach, because once you leave the word of no longer have any authority. I cannot believe they don't teach things this simple in bible college. Your only authority is the word and when you go outside the word you no longer have any authority, unless you have manipulated the people into giving you authority where you don't deserve it.
The word doesn't say anything about pornography, television or bowling either...that doesn't make those things ok! Before you start telling me how I need to run my church I believe that it would be best for you to put your nose in The Book!
I preach against TV, there is nothing on it that glorifies God...only the flesh. If you have a TV in your home then you are not Apostolic! I have never preached against highlights, if one is not wrapped up in sports then they will not have a desire to watch highlights. And since i'm knee deep is also wrong to be involved in fantasy football leagues! I know a lot of you aren't going to like it but just because you don't want to believe the truth, the truth is still the truth!
Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. (Romans 14:4)
Scripture is its own interpreter. Nothing can cut a diamond but a diamond. Nothing can interpret Scripture but Scripture" Thomas Watson.
I preach against TV, there is nothing on it that glorifies God...only the flesh. If you have a TV in your home then you are not Apostolic! I have never preached against highlights, if one is not wrapped up in sports then they will not have a desire to watch highlights. And since i'm knee deep is also wrong to be involved in fantasy football leagues! I know a lot of you aren't going to like it but just because you don't want to believe the truth, the truth is still the truth!
Fine if you preach against TV, but your statement isn't true. Have you researched all the content on TV to boldly declare nothing on it glorifies God, only the flesh? The same blanket statement can be said about the internet and other forms of media.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. - Benjamin Franklin
I preach against TV, there is nothing on it that glorifies God...only the flesh
so watching the news to know if my area will be affected by a hurricane is glorifying my flesh? lol...
Originally Posted by plygn
If you have a TV in your home then you are not Apostolic! are on the don't see the irony?
Originally Posted by plygn
I have never preached against highlights, if one is not wrapped up in sports then they will not have a desire to watch highlights.
too funny because some watch highlights BECAUSE they don't have enough interest ("wrapped up") to sit through the entire game
Originally Posted by plygn
And since i'm knee deep is also wrong to be involved in fantasy football leagues! I know a lot of you aren't going to like it but just because you don't want to believe the truth, the truth is still the truth!
It is also wrong to be on the internet. I know you won't like it because you don't want to believe the truth, but truth is still the truth!
...Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ...(Acts 20:21)
Its funny that Plygn, preaches against TV, but gets on here on, have yall seen some of the advertisements on the sidebar on this site?? O love that double standard....
Its funny that Plygn, preaches against TV, but gets on here on, have yall seen some of the advertisements on the sidebar on this site?? O love that double standard....
I dont normally weigh in on this kind of stuff-could care less really, but the irony was just too rich to pass up.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. - Benjamin Franklin
I don't care that apostolics are wrapped up in sports. What I care about is that they preach against them, have a written mandate against them and yet still are wrapped up in them. And also preach against jewelry and yet wear wedding rings and brooches. And have a mandate against TV in the homes and yet many preachers have them.
Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it. ~Chinese Proverb
When I was young and clever, I wanted to change the world. Now that I am older and wiser, I strive to change myself. ~
you know this idea of a "conviction" against sports. or some corporate teaching against organized sports makes no biblical sense to me considering the number of times Paul uses sports as an analogy for our walk with God.
Further, the word Temperance that both Paul and Peter talk about is a pre-christian greek concept that relates to the DISIPLINED LIFESTYLE of the Atheletes of the day.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!