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Old 11-03-2013, 04:17 PM
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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
Your backwardness, ignorance, and hatred are showing. Open your own eyes.
my eyes are quite open.

I can see that in Muslim countries all there is, is poverty, ignorance, fear, hatred.
men and woman can not read
women subjugated and killed for the slightest suspicion.
wars and revenge killings.
your pulpits only preach hatred.
hatred against America the great satan, and Israel the little satan.
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Old 11-03-2013, 06:01 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by FlamingZword View Post
my eyes are quite open.

I can see that in Muslim countries all there is, is poverty, ignorance, fear, hatred.
men and woman can not read
women subjugated and killed for the slightest suspicion.
wars and revenge killings.
your pulpits only preach hatred.
hatred against America the great satan, and Israel the little satan.
1. Women cannot read? My own wife can win arguments in not one, two, but three languages. Reading and speaking at least two languages in her country is typical. Contrasting this with your bare grasp of one is pretty amusing. You can't get your nonsense past me much less her. She'd prolly roll over you like a West Texas dust storm.

2. Poverty? There are (3) Muslim countries ranked above the US in per-capita income. (The US ranks 7th in the world). There are two Muslim countries in the top 3.

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Old 11-03-2013, 07:02 PM
seekerman seekerman is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
2. Poverty? There are (3) Muslim countries ranked above the US in per-capita income. (The US ranks 7th in the world). There are two Muslim countries in the top 3.

Let's talk the Human Development Index which takes into account life expectancy, education, and income. As you can see, the backward Islamic countries are nowhere near the top of the index. For a complete list and an explanation of the index, go here...


1 Norway
2 Australia
3 United States
4 Netherlands
5 Germany
6 New Zealand
7 Ireland
8 Sweden
9 Switzerland
10 Japan
11 Canada
12 South Korea
13 Hong Kong
14 Iceland
15 Denmark
16 Israel
17 Belgium
18 Austria
19 Singapore
20 France
21 Finland
22 Slovenia
23 Spain
24 Liechtenstein
25 Italy
26 Luxembourg
26 United Kingdom
28 Czech Republic
29 Greece
30 Brunei Darussalam

The Islamic countries in the index rely on oil, they're not productive manufacturing nations. Without oil the Islamic countries would be a impoverished wasteland. The best thing that's happened to them was for non-Islamic countries to come to their aid when they were too backward and ignorant to extract oil from their own soil.

Islamic countries produce little, if anything, that's useful to the world, including their religion. When individuals from Islamic countries wish to attend institutes of higher learning, it's never in an Islamic country, it's always in a non-Islamic country. When religious violence rears it's ugly head, it's almost always in an Islamic country.

The world would be much much better off without Islam.

Last edited by seekerman; 11-03-2013 at 07:14 PM.
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Old 11-04-2013, 12:30 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by seekerman View Post
Let's talk the Human Development Index which takes into account life expectancy, education, and income. As you can see, the backward Islamic countries are nowhere near the top of the index. For a complete list and an explanation of the index, go here...


1 Norway
2 Australia
3 United States
4 Netherlands
5 Germany
6 New Zealand
7 Ireland
8 Sweden
9 Switzerland
10 Japan
11 Canada
12 South Korea
13 Hong Kong
14 Iceland
15 Denmark
16 Israel
17 Belgium
18 Austria
19 Singapore
20 France
21 Finland
22 Slovenia
23 Spain
24 Liechtenstein
25 Italy
26 Luxembourg
26 United Kingdom
28 Czech Republic
29 Greece
30 Brunei Darussalam

The Islamic countries in the index rely on oil, they're not productive manufacturing nations. Without oil the Islamic countries would be a impoverished wasteland. The best thing that's happened to them was for non-Islamic countries to come to their aid when they were too backward and ignorant to extract oil from their own soil.

Islamic countries produce little, if anything, that's useful to the world, including their religion. When individuals from Islamic countries wish to attend institutes of higher learning, it's never in an Islamic country, it's always in a non-Islamic country. When religious violence rears it's ugly head, it's almost always in an Islamic country.

The world would be much much better off without Islam.

The non-Islamic countries in the index rely on and cannot fuction without oil from Muslim countries. Without the oil from Islamic countries, they would not only be non-productive in manufacturing but they would also be huddled in unheated huts, storing their food in clay pots, and eating their food off the ground.

The best thing that's happened to them was for Islamic countries to allow oil to be extracted from their own soil so that those living in non-Islamic countries could maintain comfortable lifestyles.

Non-Islamic countries produce little, if anything, that's useful to the world and in fact export vast quantities of weapons, ammunition, bombs, planes, explosives, and other items specifically designed and sold for the purpose of killing other people. Otherwise the day to day items that are consumed in non-Islamic countries are produced at the expense of the poor in countries like India, China, Mexico, and Brazil or purchased for feedstocks from Islamic countries.

When violence rears its ugly head, it is carried out using arms produced and distributed around the world by non-Islamic countries. There are 49 Muslim countries in the world representing 20% of the world's population. None of these countries are listed in the top arms exporters.


As to life expectancy the US itself ranks below several Muslim countries. These include Bahrain, Kuwait, and Qatar.


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Old 11-04-2013, 12:42 PM
seekerman seekerman is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post

The first Islamic country on the list is ranked....what?
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Old 11-04-2013, 01:08 PM
seekerman seekerman is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
The non-Islamic countries in the index rely on and cannot fuction without oil from Muslim countries. Without the oil from Islamic countries, they would not only be non-productive in manufacturing but they would also be huddled in unheated huts, storing their food in clay pots, and eating their food off the ground.
No, it wouldn't be that bad. But that's the only value the Islamic countries have...oil. Without oil, something they couldn't extract on their own, they would be at the very bottom of the list.

As you can see, from the list, many Islamic countries are ranked very very low in spite of billions and billions flowing into their coffers over may decades. Islam is a very unproductive and backward religion, which is proven simply by looking at the Islamic countries. The more fundamentalist Islamic they are, the more backward, ignorant and unproductive they are.

The best thing that's happened to them was for Islamic countries to allow oil to be extracted from their own soil so that those living in non-Islamic countries could maintain comfortable lifestyles.
Again, the Islamic countries were so backward and illiterate they couldn't extract their own oil. Thanks to non-Islamic countries, there is oil being produced. The Islamic countries should turn their faces to the west and give thanks for those who came to their aid.

Non-Islamic countries produce little, if anything, that's useful to the world and in fact export vast quantities of weapons, ammunition, bombs, planes, explosives, and other items specifically designed and sold for the purpose of killing other people.
It doesn't take much innovation and imagination for a muslim to strap a bomb to themselves and blow themselves up. That's done many many many times when Sunni muslims attack and kill men, women and children of Shia muslims. All that takes is religious nuttiness of which Islam is full.

Otherwise the day to day items that are consumed in non-Islamic countries are produced at the expense of the poor in countries like India, China, Mexico, and Brazil or purchased for feedstocks from Islamic countries.
Sure, most of the consumption in Islamic countries is from imported goods. That's because the backward Islamic countries have little, if any, manufacturing. Muslims aren't productive people except when westerners are involved in the process. If it had not been for the westerners and their manufacturing, especially oil manufacturing innovation, the typical muslim would still be living in a tent or mud hut (and many still live that way) and would be tending goats.

You'll not find advanced and innovative university system in any muslim country. Where do muslims go for higher education? If you once again answered the west, you'd be right.

When violence rears its ugly head,
Actually, it should read when RELIGIOUS violence rears it's ugly head. Islam is the most violent religion on the face of the earth.

it is carried out using arms produced and distributed around the world by non-Islamic countries. There are 49 Muslim countries in the world representing 20% of the world's population. None of these countries are listed in the top arms exporters.
No doubt, the ignorance of Islamic countries cannot manufacture hardly anything, including arms. Of the 49 muslim countries, which one ranks the highest in standard of living?

As to life expectancy the US itself ranks below several Muslim countries. These include Bahrain, Kuwait, and Qatar.
As to standard of living, measuring several variables, pick an Islamic country. Any Islamic country. Now, where are they ranked? Not even in the top 25 countries of the world.

Speaking of Qatar, the life expectancy of women is less than that of men, an aberration. In most countries, the women live longer than men. This points to yet another fact about women in Islamic countries. They're abused, used and relegated to a lifetime of subjugation.
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Old 11-04-2013, 06:50 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by seekerman View Post
No, it wouldn't be that bad. But that's the only value the Islamic countries have...oil. Without oil, something they couldn't extract on their own, they would be at the very bottom of the list.

As you can see, from the list, many Islamic countries are ranked very very low in spite of billions and billions flowing into their coffers over may decades. Islam is a very unproductive and backward religion, which is proven simply by looking at the Islamic countries. The more fundamentalist Islamic they are, the more backward, ignorant and unproductive they are.

Again, the Islamic countries were so backward and illiterate they couldn't extract their own oil. Thanks to non-Islamic countries, there is oil being produced. The Islamic countries should turn their faces to the west and give thanks for those who came to their aid.

It doesn't take much innovation and imagination for a muslim to strap a bomb to themselves and blow themselves up. That's done many many many times when Sunni muslims attack and kill men, women and children of Shia muslims. All that takes is religious nuttiness of which Islam is full.

Sure, most of the consumption in Islamic countries is from imported goods. That's because the backward Islamic countries have little, if any, manufacturing. Muslims aren't productive people except when westerners are involved in the process. If it had not been for the westerners and their manufacturing, especially oil manufacturing innovation, the typical muslim would still be living in a tent or mud hut (and many still live that way) and would be tending goats.

You'll not find advanced and innovative university system in any muslim country. Where do muslims go for higher education? If you once again answered the west, you'd be right.

Actually, it should read when RELIGIOUS violence rears it's ugly head. Islam is the most violent religion on the face of the earth.

No doubt, the ignorance of Islamic countries cannot manufacture hardly anything, including arms. Of the 49 muslim countries, which one ranks the highest in standard of living?

As to standard of living, measuring several variables, pick an Islamic country. Any Islamic country. Now, where are they ranked? Not even in the top 25 countries of the world.

Speaking of Qatar, the life expectancy of women is less than that of men, an aberration. In most countries, the women live longer than men. This points to yet another fact about women in Islamic countries. They're abused, used and relegated to a lifetime of subjugation.
LOL what are you basing "standard of living" on? You said income but you were wrong. Lifespan and you are wrong again. Safety? Of the top 10 countries listed by least highest murder rate there are two Muslim countries. Two more in the next 10, and 15 more before the US pops up. Abused, used, relegated to a lifetime of subjugation women in Qatar have EXACTLY the same life expectancy as women in the United States. What's that say about your little system sport? LOL In the US it's 81, in Kuwait and Bahrain it's 80.

As to standard of living, measuring several variables, pick an Islamic country. Any Islamic country. Now, where are they ranked? Not even in the top 25 countries of the world.



Two of the top 10 in the quality of life index are Muslim countries. Yes they also live longer than Americans do LOL
Three in the top 10 in terms of personal purchasing power are Muslim countries
One in the top 5 in terms of safety is a Muslim country, as is number 11. Even though the US is listed third in quality of life, it is way down next to Columbia in terms of safety.
There are two Muslim countries in the top 5 consumer price index, cost of living
There are two Muslim countries in the top 5 in terms of property price to income ratio

Maybe you should be grubbing for food on the ground with those dirty tent-living muslims because you don't know any more than they do LOL

NOTE: It should say "any and all violence" and in Qatar the female to male ratio in the universities is 6:1

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 11-04-2013 at 06:59 PM.
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Old 11-04-2013, 07:13 PM
seekerman seekerman is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
LOL what are you basing "standard of living" on? You said income but you were wrong. Lifespan and you are wrong again. Safety? Of the top 10 countries listed by least highest murder rate there are two Muslim countries. Two more in the next 10, and 15 more before the US pops up. Abused, used, relegated to a lifetime of subjugation women in Qatar have EXACTLY the same life expectancy as women in the United States. What's that say about your little system sport? LOL In the US it's 81, in Kuwait and Bahrain it's 80.
I've posted what I'm basing the standard of living on. Here it is again....

Let's talk the Human Development Index which takes into account life expectancy, education, and income. As you can see, the backward Islamic countries are nowhere near the top of the index. For a complete list and an explanation of the index, go here...


1 Norway
2 Australia
3 United States
4 Netherlands
5 Germany
6 New Zealand
7 Ireland
8 Sweden
9 Switzerland
10 Japan
11 Canada
12 South Korea
13 Hong Kong
14 Iceland
15 Denmark
16 Israel
17 Belgium
18 Austria
19 Singapore
20 France
21 Finland
22 Slovenia
23 Spain
24 Liechtenstein
25 Italy
26 Luxembourg
26 United Kingdom
28 Czech Republic
29 Greece
30 Brunei Darussalam

Why are most of the lower rated countries Islamic?

As to standard of living, measuring several variables, pick an Islamic country. Any Islamic country. Now, where are they ranked? Not even in the top 25 countries of the world.



Two of the top 10 in the quality of life index are Muslim countries. Yes they also live longer than Americans do LOL
'Time to commute' is in the ranking but not education? LOL. What a list!!

Oh...and I realize education isn't generally that important within the Islamic community so I don't expect you to care that it's not taken into determining the highest standard of living.

'Health care index'? You'll find Islamic countries at the bottom of the list. That's not surprising knowing the value placed on human life in Islamic countries.

Three in the top 10 in terms of personal purchasing power are Muslim countries
Of course. That's because of the oil system the western countries developed because the muslims were too backward and ignorant to to it. As I said, muslims should turn their face to America every day and say a prayer of thanks to the country that has brought them out of goat herding as the #1 industry in the muslim countries.

One in the top 5 in terms of safety is a Muslim country, as is number 11. Even though the US is listed third in quality of life, it is way down next to Columbia in terms of safety.
There are two Muslim countries in the top 5 consumer price index, cost of living
There are two Muslim countries in the top 5 in terms of property price to income ratio
Are women counted in the calculation of property price?

Maybe you should be grubbing for food on the ground with those dirty tent-living muslims because you don't know any more than they do LOL

NOTE: It should say "any and all violence"
How many Shia's have the Sunni's killed in the name of Allah this month? It's very early in November so it may be minimal, but give it a little time.
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Old 11-04-2013, 07:23 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

I read your silly list.

Originally Posted by seekerman View Post
I've posted what I'm basing the standard of living on. Here it is again....

Let's talk the Human Development Index which takes into account life expectancy, education, and income. As you can see, the backward Islamic countries are nowhere near the top of the index. For a complete list and an explanation of the index, go here...


1 Norway
2 Australia
3 United States
4 Netherlands
5 Germany
6 New Zealand
7 Ireland
8 Sweden
9 Switzerland
10 Japan
11 Canada
12 South Korea
13 Hong Kong
14 Iceland
15 Denmark
16 Israel
17 Belgium
18 Austria
19 Singapore
20 France
21 Finland
22 Slovenia
23 Spain
24 Liechtenstein
25 Italy
26 Luxembourg
26 United Kingdom
28 Czech Republic
29 Greece
30 Brunei Darussalam

Why are most of the lower rated countries Islamic?

Not what you said. You said to go and find you where Islamic countries are highly ranked in several specific catagories. So I did it.

'Time to commute' is in the ranking but not education? LOL. What a list!!

Not my list sport. The reciprocal of "time to commute" is "time with your family at home" so I suspect that is why this made the list.

Oh...and I realize education isn't generally that important within the Islamic community so I don't expect you to care that it's not taken into determining the highest standard of living.

LOL funny my wife, who is from an Islamic country, speaks three languages. How many do you speak again?

'Health care index'? You'll find Islamic countries at the bottom of the list. That's not surprising knowing the value placed on human life in Islamic countries.

It's all good if they live longer though LOL

Of course. That's because of the oil system the western countries developed because the muslims were too backward and ignorant to to it. As I said, muslims should turn their face to America every day and say a prayer of thanks to the country that has brought them out of goat herding as the #1 industry in the muslim countries.

Are women counted in the calculation of property price?

How many Shia's have the Sunni's killed in the name of Allah this month? It's very early in November so it may be minimal, but give it a little time.

Pretty smart of you to change the subject. Fewer Shias killed sunnis than Americans killed each other this month. There are 4x more of them too. Go figure.
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Old 11-04-2013, 07:43 PM
seekerman seekerman is offline

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Re: What I'm Learning From Islam:

I read your silly list.
LOL! It's not "my silly list", it's a list produced by the United Nations Development Programme's Human Development Report.

Why are most of the lower rated countries in the index Islamic?

Not what you said. You said to go and find you where Islamic countries are highly ranked in several specific catagories. So I did it.
Yes you did and I appreciate it. 'Time to commute' ranks high in the backward and ignorant Islamic countries that do not produce much of value other than oil.

'Time to commute' is in the ranking but not education? LOL. What a list!!

Not my list sport. The reciprocal of "time to commute" is "time with your family at home" so I suspect that is why this made the list.
Right, it's not on your list. It's not a measure of importance to the muslims. That's indicitave of the view toward education for muslim boys and girls (well not so much for girls) which resulted in their ignorance in extracting the oil which was beneath their soil. I'm still waiting on a 'thank you America' for the work they've done so that muslims might do something other than goat hearding.

LOL funny my wife, who is from an Islamic country, speaks three languages. How many do you speak again?
And how much education does she have? Compared to her contemporaries, does she have more or less? Any college?

'Health care index'? You'll find Islamic countries at the bottom of the list. That's not surprising knowing the value placed on human life in Islamic countries.

It's all good if they live longer though LOL
Of course it's not good to have second and third rate medical care. Your kind of thinking is typical for a muslim though.

Of course. That's because of the oil system the western countries developed because the muslims were too backward and ignorant to to it. As I said, muslims should turn their face to America every day and say a prayer of thanks to the country that has brought them out of goat herding as the #1 industry in the muslim countries.

Are women counted in the calculation of property price?

How many Shia's have the Sunni's killed in the name of Allah this month? It's very early in November so it may be minimal, but give it a little time.

Pretty smart of you to change the subject. Fewer Shias killed sunnis than Americans killed each other this month. There are 4x more of them too. Go figure.
Tragic on both sides. The difference is that the killing of Shias by Sunnis (and other muslim sects) was done in the name of Allah. Islam is the most violent RELIGION on the face of the earth.
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