Originally Posted by edjen01
No. I do not believe that every T&I comes from God.
T&I, prophecy, testimonies, preaching, teaching can come from various sources. All should be judged by the Scriptures.
1. They can come from someone trying to deceive, manipulate, and control.
2. They can come from someone wanting the approval and adulation of "the crowd" so they say what is expected and what people want to hear. Some people long to be considered "spiritual" or "gifted" or "prophetic."
3. They can come from someone who has mental problems and thinks he/she is hearing from God.
4. They can come from a sincere person who is deceived and passes that deception on.
5. They can come from a person who sincerely believes God has given them a word and it is limited by their own prejudices, lack of knowledge, grammatical limitations, etc.