It was getting late in the afternoon. Short-staffed, one of the employees not feeling well, busy as usual and the Manager was now needing to run a few errands which included getting coin from the bank because we had hardly any quarters or nickels left in the till. That was going to leave me basically alone alone on the floor for close to an hour because my my co-worker, a young guy who just underwent some minor surgery wasn’t feeling well and needing a break off his feet.
My boss turns to leave and I said, "Wait! Before you leave there’s something I need to tell you!”
He turned and looked at me with a slightly anxious look on his face.
“I just want you to know that I appreciate you”, I said and smiled warmly.
His face lit up and it was plain to see that that simple but sincere remark was very much appreciated and he told me that I had just made his day.
“Well … that was
very nice for you to say”, and he smiled. “I want you to know that I appreciate you very much as well”.”
I told him that he didn’t need to say that … and that I’d said what I did because I meant it and not looking for anything in return.
With a couple other remarks he was out the door leaving me to cope with whatever the next hour or so brought, and I thought to myself as I watched him leave ……
“Little things mean a lot”!
And it’s true, isn’t it? A smile, a kind word, a handshake, a hug, a special card in the mail. Hearing from someone you haven’t talked with in a while, a compliment, a touch ……….. that’s all it takes to make the common and ordinary into something uncommon and extraordinary.
On the other hand an impatient reply, a barbed remark, words spoken in anger, a self-centered decision or an “I could care less” attitude and critical putdown could wound a person’s spirit and cast a dark shadow on what might have already been a harried and difficult day.
If it hadn’t been difficult before, now because of some “little thing”, we’ve affected someone’s mood and spirit in a negative way. After all, isn’t it the “little foxes” that spoil the vine?
What could you do today to put a smile on a face or the bounce in someone’s step, or bring a ray of sunshine into someone’s life. It doesn’t take much because ………..
“Little things mean a lot!!”