Originally Posted by winklebottom
Playing outside until the street lights came on.
My easy bake oven
Chatty Cathy dolls
Archie comic books
Hair dryers with Bonnets....the list goes on and on
momma handling EVERYTHING.
Not having a care in the world...
clothes washed and folded themselves,
food was already cooked,
the kitchen cleaned itself...
someone else checked the bumps in the night...
a constant feeling of safety and security.
playing outside and not worrying about strangers
mommas touch when I was sick - it cured everything
gas for < $1.00 gallon
appliances that lasted forever
cars that did too
new school supplies and the smell of all the new pencils in a CARDBOARD pencil box
not to mention the new lunch box with mathing thermos
youth camp
going to mamaws
on and on and on...