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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 06-20-2008, 12:27 PM
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Re: Have You Been to WWPF Lately?

Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post
Oooooooh...we're a happy people yes we are
we're a happy people yes we are
been baptized in Jesus Name,
spoke in tongues when the Holy Ghost came,
we're a happy people yes we are...

I haven't heard that one in forever...it sent me back on a trip down memory lane. I think I might remake some of those old songs and see if I can work them into my rotation. I think some of our kids just learned the old "I am a One God Apostolic Tongue Talking Holy Roller Born Again Heaven Bound Believer in Jesus' Name"
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.

Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
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Old 06-20-2008, 01:54 PM
Kings Kid Kings Kid is offline
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Re: Have You Been to WWPF Lately?

Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post
Oooooooh...we're a happy people yes we are
we're a happy people yes we are
been baptized in Jesus Name,
spoke in tongues when the Holy Ghost came,
we're a happy people yes we are...

It looks like those two ate something sour. lol
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Old 06-20-2008, 02:36 PM
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Re: Have You Been to WWPF Lately?

I remember that one from a long time ago...
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Old 06-20-2008, 04:02 PM
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Smile Re: Have You Been to WWPF Lately?

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Bro. my point is that if you have the internet you already have "Hollywood in your home", plus all other kinds of things that will never be on TV. You have to choose to navigate away from it just like you can on TV. As far as there being nothing good on TV, that is not a valid argument. There are tons of educational and informational things that you can choose to watch. There are even people who have used TV to successfully reach millions of people with their brand of the gospel, and have grown ministries exponentially as a result....(insert gasp here). There are people who currently are members of those churches specifically because they saw them on TV. To answer your question as to what TV is for, it's for the same thing that radio is for. And there are things in all mediums that you should avoid and the wonderful thing is that you can easily avoid those things on all those mediums.
My point about supporting Hollywood is that you have to be consistent, because many of the same companies that benefit from TV benefit even more from the internet.

Brother, I guess my brand of the gospel is different. I feel I am consistent. And you feel your consistent. Lets both just go forward in Jesus name. I'll never agree with using television. And you do. No skin off my nose. God bless.
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Old 06-20-2008, 05:01 PM
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Re: Have You Been to WWPF Lately?

Originally Posted by Tim Rutledge View Post
Brother, I guess my brand of the gospel is different. I feel I am consistent. And you feel your consistent. Lets both just go forward in Jesus name. I'll never agree with using television. And you do. No skin off my nose. God bless.
It does seem to be a case of agreeing to disagree. But while there may be no skin off your nose and certainly none of mine. This whole situation was very damaging to many people, families, and churches. And that is what bothers me.
God Bless you too and once again welcome to the forum. I do look forward to conversations with you. I know that there is a lot that we will have in common and agree on and be able to have beneficial discussion about.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.

Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
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Old 06-20-2008, 05:19 PM
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Re: Have You Been to WWPF Lately?

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
It does seem to be a case of agreeing to disagree. But while there may be no skin off your nose and certainly none of mine. This whole situation was very damaging to many people, families, and churches. And that is what bothers me.
God Bless you too and once again welcome to the forum. I do look forward to conversations with you. I know that there is a lot that we will have in common and agree on and be able to have beneficial discussion about.
Brother, what caused the damage to so many people? The way the WPF was started? The leaders of the UPC were in no way surprised by actions of the founders of the WPF, they new a split was coming, if the vote went towards letting tv in.
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Old 06-20-2008, 05:35 PM
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Re: Have You Been to WWPF Lately?

Originally Posted by Tim Rutledge View Post
Brother, what caused the damage to so many people? The way the WPF was started? The leaders of the UPC were in no way surprised by actions of the founders of the WPF, they new a split was coming, if the vote went towards letting tv in.
Bro. I don't want to resurrect our the whole conversation , but in a nutshell...yes. Once again I believe that anyone would recognize the damaging nature of influential people in a local church body doing the exact same thing. And yes, I do believe that the actions of those founders did catch many in the UPC by surprise...including myself. I don't mind someone leaving if they feel they have to follow their convictions...but if you are going to claim the high road, your actions better bear that out or you run the risk of looking foolish or hypocritical.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.

Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
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Old 06-20-2008, 05:41 PM
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Re: Have You Been to WWPF Lately?

I believe if you aren't happy with an organization or church the best thing to do is leave quietly. More power to the brethren in the WWPF. I don't agree with many of them nor do I agree with everyone in UPC but as far as I'm concerned it's a great organization, not perfect but great.
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Old 06-20-2008, 07:16 PM
oletime oletime is offline
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Re: Have You Been to WWPF Lately?

i have asked bro smith directly and he has not, in the mean time he is gib. if you have read bro bernards letter he has said these men are NOT IN QUESTION if you want to fellowship them go ahead, you dont have to leave the upc to do it. i have been told he is listed on their website as an upcoming speaker at the next conference. incidentally his son spoke at no limits and to my knowledge, the last time i checked the upc website, he was still upc. i dont think the upc wants to make any waves over this, lets face it they havent enforced their manual in a lot of areas for years ie: television in their homes etc. the resolution should never have been continuosly submitted until they finally squeaked it through. bro urshan never would have allowed that to happen. whatever happened to not not contending for your beliefs to the detriment of a brother. and please dont tell me it replies in reverse also, these are bedrock standards from virtually day one with the upc. listen to bro CHAMBERS MESSAGE IN ATLANTIC CITY IN THE LATE SIXTIES THE TITLE WAS ; WILL THE UPC REPEAT HISTORY! sadly they have started to !! talk about a prophet. anyway maybe at the next general conference this will get reversed now that everyone has seen the division it has caused .
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Old 06-20-2008, 08:35 PM
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Smile Re: Have You Been to WWPF Lately?

Originally Posted by oletime View Post
i have asked bro smith directly and he has not, in the mean time he is gib. if you have read bro bernards letter he has said these men are NOT IN QUESTION if you want to fellowship them go ahead, you dont have to leave the upc to do it. i have been told he is listed on their website as an upcoming speaker at the next conference. incidentally his son spoke at no limits and to my knowledge, the last time i checked the upc website, he was still upc. i dont think the upc wants to make any waves over this, lets face it they havent enforced their manual in a lot of areas for years ie: television in their homes etc. the resolution should never have been continuosly submitted until they finally squeaked it through. bro urshan never would have allowed that to happen. whatever happened to not not contending for your beliefs to the detriment of a brother. and please dont tell me it replies in reverse also, these are bedrock standards from virtually day one with the upc. listen to bro CHAMBERS MESSAGE IN ATLANTIC CITY IN THE LATE SIXTIES THE TITLE WAS ; WILL THE UPC REPEAT HISTORY! sadly they have started to !! talk about a prophet. anyway maybe at the next general conference this will get reversed now that everyone has seen the division it has caused .
Hello oletime, I agree.. N. Urshan would of made a difference. Your Post reminded me of the 1963 sermon at the UPC gen. conf. by Elder C. Ballestero.. "The handwriting is on the wall". I don't think the resolution will be reversed nor I'm I particularly hoping for that. The WPF has the cream of the crop. Godairs, Booker,J. King, T. Nance, Coon, Wilson, F. Odem, T French, R. Treece, and many others. Its time for a new thing.. the WPF will enforce the bylaws. If the UPCI would of just enforced what they put in the manual all this could of been avoided. God bless.
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