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Old 07-10-2008, 09:16 AM
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Re: In The Counsel of Many

Originally Posted by Bro-Larry View Post
Iconic figurines have long been known to attract spirits. I know a woman north of Dallas, who had a collection of Budda's. I told her they would attract evil spirits to her house. Three weeks later she ran screaming out of her house, because she saw, in a mirror, a man with a knife in his hand, hiding in her closet. The police found that he had been hiding and living in her back yard for several days. She got rid of her Buddahs.

Years later, I was a member of the UPC church in Mineola, IAM's dad was pastor. (that's also Cindy's church) A woman came to the chuch out of her mind with fear. She said demons were touching her at night. I told IAM'S mother, "that woman has a Buddah in her house". She denied it, but when pastor, me, and two other brothers went to her house. Sure 'nuff, we found a Buddah.
I have heard similiar experiences with people that have Buddah images. Thanks for sharing!
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Old 07-10-2008, 09:19 AM
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Re: In The Counsel of Many

Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
We had to get rid of a very expensive Oriental screen in our house because my 18 month old son kept having night terrors and screaming at night, with his eyes wide open and you couldn't wake him up. When we finally asked him one morning what was scaring him, he went and pointed to these little creatures on the bottom of the screen that we had never noticed. Very evil little things with their tongues hanging out. We immediately threw that$1,000 screen in the garbage, and that was when we had very little money! Zac never had trouble sleeping after that night.

We had to do the same thing with an object that someone had brought him from Mexico when he was five, and again with something someone brought him from Guatemala when he was 10. I firmly believe that spirits attach themselves to objects!!!
Yes, they do. A friend of mine told me in foreign countries where they have many false gods they practice casting spells on things they sell. In fact, she believes this is how a lot of spirits have been brought over to America and why we are having more spiritual battles now than 50 years ago, when people did not travel as much as they do now.

Interesting that your son is the one that was most affected, does he seem to be very spiritually senestive?

Thanks for sharing Sherri.
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Old 07-10-2008, 09:20 AM
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Re: In The Counsel of Many

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
When you are totally concentrating and listening to God - He speaks to you. If you write it down then it gives you a jumping off place for your next intimate time with him.

Many times we pray and list petitions to God but never wait and medicate on what he would say back to us. God, like us, wants a two way communication to take place. He wants us to listen to him as much as we want him to listen to us.

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Old 07-10-2008, 10:40 AM
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Re: In The Counsel of Many

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
Timmy if you have the Holy Ghost your spirit will recognize the "spirit" of the prophecy to be true or not. What we can a "witness" of the spirit.

Hope that helps.
So, it's a feeling?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 07-10-2008, 10:42 AM
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Re: In The Counsel of Many

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
So, it's a feeling?
Well common sense will tell you if it is off the wall nonesense. But sometimes you are told something that has a little true and lie mixed in together.

Timmy have you ever felt what we term a "witness" of the Holy Ghost?

If not, you most likely won't understand what I'm saying.
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Old 07-10-2008, 10:44 AM
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Re: In The Counsel of Many

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
Yes, they do. A friend of mine told me in foreign countries where they have many false gods they practice casting spells on things they sell. In fact, she believes this is how a lot of spirits have been brought over to America and why we are having more spiritual battles now than 50 years ago, when people did not travel as much as they do now.

Interesting that your son is the one that was most affected, does he seem to be very spiritually senestive?

Thanks for sharing Sherri.
Yes, that is true!

Seeing as people worship inanimate objects it makes sense that evil spirits would attach themselves to it.
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Old 07-10-2008, 10:50 AM
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Re: In The Counsel of Many

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
Well common sense will tell you if it is off the wall nonesense. But sometimes you are told something that has a little true and lie mixed in together.

Timmy have you ever felt what we term a "witness" of the Holy Ghost?

If not, you most likely won't understand what I'm saying.
I have thought so, and maybe it was from the HG. But what is this "witness of the Holy Ghost" if it isn't a feeling? Or it may seem like a hunch, or a "still small voice" (an idea that seems to pop into your head), or intuition. Can we know that all such guidance (if you don't want to call it a feeling or hunch or whatever) is really from God, just because we "have the Spirit"? I.e., if we have the Spirit, will we never get another hunch or idea popping in unannounced that isn't from Him? Such things happen to normal () people all the time.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 07-10-2008, 10:51 AM
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Re: In The Counsel of Many

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Or maybe I did! Sorry anyway!
No problem, Bro. I'm not offended. I love ya anyway. I think I'm beginning to understand your writing style. You use satire and sarcasm as literary devices. Early on, I was a bit agitated by your posts, but not anymore.
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Old 07-10-2008, 10:52 AM
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Re: In The Counsel of Many

Originally Posted by Bro-Larry View Post
No problem, Bro. I'm not offended. I love ya anyway. I think I'm beginning to understand your writing style. You use satire and sarcasm as literary devices. Early on, I was a bit agitated by your posts, but not anymore.
Me??? Use sarcasm????? No way!

Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 07-10-2008, 11:00 AM
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Re: In The Counsel of Many

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
I have thought so, and maybe it was from the HG. But what is this "witness of the Holy Ghost" if it isn't a feeling? Or it may seem like a hunch, or a "still small voice" (an idea that seems to pop into your head), or intuition. Can we know that all such guidance (if you don't want to call it a feeling or hunch or whatever) is really from God, just because we "have the Spirit"? I.e., if we have the Spirit, will we never get another hunch or idea popping in unannounced that isn't from Him? Such things happen to normal () people all the time.
Yes, for me it is a feeling. Not everyone has the same exact sign, as far as I know.
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