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Old 07-28-2017, 06:58 AM
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by TK Burk View Post
The difference is quite clear. The surgeon treats something that can be proven to be physical. The psychologist treats something that cannot be proven to be physical, and by your own admittance is spiritual in nature.

Remember the man that was born blind? Jesus' crowd wanted to know if his blindness was due to the spiritual condition caused by his parent's sins or his own. If that physical condition was due to a spiritual condition, Jesus could have cleared that up right then and there. Instead, He said that physical blindness would be used to manifest the "works of God." This manifestation affected some who witnessed this physical healing, but it especially affected the man whose physical blindness was healed. (John 9)

But then there were those who were spiritually blind. There was no physical healing to correct their condition. This blindness was due to their state of mind. Saul (aka Paul) suffered such blindness even before he suffered physical blindness. Ananias' prayers did not heal Saul's spiritual blindness. That healing came through Saul's prayer and repentance. Ananias later came to Paul so Paul could receive the Holy Ghost as well as his physical sight. (Acts 9)

So, to seek a Doctor for a physical need is not the same as seeking a Doctor for a spiritual need. This is why Psalms 1:1 warns against seeking spiritual counsel from an unspiritual source.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 07-28-2017, 07:06 AM
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by n david View Post
What has all this knowledge done for us as believers. We've become more dependant on men than God, IMO.

Look at our marriages. We have more head knowledge and books about marriage and oneness marriage gurus than any time previous, and yet divorce rates in the church now match that of the world.

I am frustrated much over healing and especially the lack thereof. I've posted before that I don't believe it's God's will for His children to be bound to sins diseases or have the same oppressive diseases as the world.

It frustrates me that a man of God who recently died, publicly proclaimed his belief that God would heal him and prayed that God would heal him and yet they had his home going service a couple weeks ago.

Yet a few years ago, another man of God had cancer and was healed and is still alive today.

I still believe God heals. I still believe it is His will to heal, mind, body and soul. I just don't understand why some are not healed.
We are told not to measure ourselves among ourselves. Because then we make ourselves and others the criteria. We have to look towards and focus on Jesus Christ as the power of the resurrection.Paul wasn't using himself as an example of how saints were supposed to live, when he said to follow him as he followed Christ. But that Paul wanted to show submission to Christ through FAITH. Some of this garbage of going to the voodoo guru is a total faith killer. Listen, there are a ton f people getting by in church and in the secular world. Therefore when people go to these man and God salvation churches they see no difference. A large majority of the church world has gone native in this country. Because this country is dying faster than a goldfish out of water. Churches that don't believe water is wet, or fat meat is greasy, and we are going to look at that and expect somersaults from God?

No, not on our lives.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Old 07-28-2017, 07:07 AM
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
The difference being that astrophysicists are scientists, physicians work with fining actual ILLNESS caused from PHYSICAL abnormalities or injuries with can be found with evidence. Psychiatrists and psychologists work on "FEELINGS"
Feelings can be related to hormonal levels in the body. Ever pay attention to the "feelings" of women experiencing PMS? How about a pregnant woman? Or a woman in menopause? Their "feelings" are often all over the map. Ever notice what heightened or lower levels of testosterone does in males? Ever pay close attention to how birth controls that effect hormonal levels effect behavior?

What many write off as immaterial or magical is often biochemical. That's just a fact. Neither of us can change it. That means that it is possible for various moods, motional states, etc. to be the result of a biochemical process.

Not always? Based on what? You own personal experience? You accuse me of being a know it all, but you always seem to be the expert on any given topic.
What do you base your answer of NOT always on?
Here you're going personal again. Please try to understand my logic:

I can find a dozen articles on something and anyone else can find dozen articles refuting it. Still another can probably find a dozen more articles refuting both me and the first individual.

I can read a dozen articles and try to pretend like I know everything about a given subject. But that wouldn't be the truth and it would make me look like a know it all.

I can share personal experience. In doing this, admit that while I don't know everything about a given topic, I do know what I've personally seen, experienced, or done. It also allows for others to share their personal experiences, which may differ from my own for any number of reasons. We can look at our experiences together and from that we might gain an "understanding" of one another. For example, many people would label me a communist, God-hater, or socialist for supporting single payer health insurance. However, if I share my experience with losing a mother who didn't have health insurance, they might still disagree with my position, but they will understand why I have the position I have and hopefully realize that I'm not a communist, God-hater, or socialist. Often people share stories of how their family endured and managed without health insurance and express their opinion like it isn't all that important. Now, while I might disagree with them on the subject, I see where they are coming from instead of just assuming that they are callous and uncaring corporatists.

It's not meant in the spirit of being a know it all. It's meant in the spirit of saying, "Wait. Hold up. I'm no expert, but I think you're broad generalization doesn't represent the full truth. I personally know the following..."

The job is to preach the Gospel to those who need the Gospel. People like you who have tried it, and the Genie didn't come out of the bottle need to find what ever is out there. But Jesus is the only way, nothing else can replace the power of the Cross, and the working of the Holy Ghost. To steer people to quackery like EMDR is sad.
"People like me..."

Why isn't that during the time that you weren't posting to this thread, NONE of us wrote anything to one another using a phrase like that? In fact, we were having a rather civil discussion and offering mutual respect. But here you come and now aggression, anger, and divisiveness is dripping from your posts, thereby poisoning the conversation. In you post above you were also rather insulting insinuating that I tried Jesus and when he didn’t deliver like a Genie come out of a bottle, I gave up and went in search of a secular remedy. No sir. That is a rather insulting misrepresentation and mischaracterization of me. Once I realized that something was wrong, I prayed for healing for six years. With a failed marriage and thoughts of suicide I felt that maybe I should look into getting some help. I prayed about it quite a bit. And I had to humble myself to acknowledge that I was dealing with something bigger than me and that I needed help. And it was a rather painful and difficult process. And the counseling that I received gave me the tools to help me manage what I’d been struggling with for years.

Why would you say things like that knowing that it isn’t true?

In addition, you only obfuscated the issue in response to the question I asked. Which was:
On the flip side, is it their job (a pastor or preacher) to decide that people do not need to see a counselor?
Ultimately, we agreed that it isn't a pastor's or a minister's job to tell people to seek counseling. But is it a pastor's or a minister's job to tell people NOT to seek counseling when their condition appear to be worsening and they are considering counseling?
Old 07-28-2017, 07:11 AM
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Receive ye the Holy Ghost?
Here you're implying that I never received the Holy Spirit.

The reason?

I only disagreed with you.

What is it that you're struggling with?
Old 07-28-2017, 07:12 AM
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by navygoat1998 View Post
I know this soul saving, mind cleansing Holy Ghost! They spoke with tongues and magnified God
What so hard about this?

This really works!
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 07-28-2017, 07:14 AM
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Here you're implying that I never received the Holy Spirit.

The reason?

I only disagreed with you.

What is it that you're struggling with?
I thought your statement was broad, and I gave my answer.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 07-28-2017, 07:35 AM
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
I thought your statement was broad, and I gave my answer.
You insinuated that perhaps I never received the Holy Ghost.

I turned to Jesus when I was 13 years old. Mom had drug me to this weird church because I was breaking into houses and stealing out of yards. I had gotten suspended from school for fighting, and I wasn't planning on going back. In total, I had only gone 44 days by February that year. I was running with the wrong crowd, and she said that I needed Jesus. While the preacher preached, he said some things about Jesus being an everlasting father, a father to the fatherless. I don't remember what the sermon was actually about, but this part is what I remember grappling with as he preached. I realized that was me. No dad in the home, no guidance, no example. Only a single mom, who was at the end of her rope. So, the preacher called all who needed to get right with God to come to the altar to pray. So, I walked up to the front.

While praying at the altar and confessing my sins to Jesus, our neighbor's husband laid his hand on my bank and prayed with me. A few other men that I didn't know at the time joined him and I stood there pouring my heart and soul out to God. That night, I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. It started as a stammering in my lips and upper jaw as they grew numb. My tongue became thick, and I almost couldn't speak to pray. There was this tingling all over my body and a warm feeling just below my chest. Our neighbor's husband said, "That's the LORD...just let go, let Him do the talkin'." So I relaxed, and a wave of emotion burst forth, flowing from my stomach and to my face, and I began speaking in tongues. I couldn't understand what it was, but it was like music. You "feel" what it means. During that experience, it was like the world faded away, and I felt only the LORD. It was like it was only us, me alone with Jesus. I fell down and laid on the floor, eyes closed, just weeping and speaking a spiritual language I'd never learned. It was the purest feeling of love I had ever felt. Strangely, it was like a spiritual reunion. It was like He had always known me and I had always known Him. It was like being transported out of body into a spiritual place where nothing else mattered but being near Him. There was a love and communication I can't explain. There just aren't words for it. After this experience subsided, I was carried to a pew because I was shaking and crying so much and I couldn't stand or walk on my own. Other people were around me and being filled too. Some standing, some on their knees, some on the floor like I had been. Nearly all of them were speaking in tongues, crying, and worshipping, being carried away in the Spirit, having their own experience with God. My experience seemed like it lasted only a few minutes. But nearly an hour had passed since I had gone up to the altar to pray. To my dismay, the service was over and the majority of folks had already gone home. It was like a dream. I remember being asked if I wanted to be water baptized, and I said yes. I was then water baptized in the name of Jesus and had a second experience of being overcome by the Spirit while praying in the water.

That was over 28 years ago. Yes, life has presented me with many up's and down's. I've experienced many trials, toils, and snares. I've had great victories and crushing defeats. However, my experience of being born again has never left me. This experience has also reminded me that all of this is all so real, especially in times when I've felt like giving up.

So yes, I have the Holy Ghost.

Last edited by Aquila; 07-28-2017 at 07:46 AM.
Old 07-28-2017, 08:00 AM
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Feelings can be related to hormonal levels in the body. Ever pay attention to the "feelings" of women experiencing PMS? How about a pregnant woman? Or a woman in menopause? Their "feelings" are often all over the map. Ever notice what heightened or lower levels of testosterone does in males? Ever pay close attention to how birth controls that effect hormonal levels effect behavior?
So, PTSD is the same as a pregnant woman, or a woman going through menopause? What happens when a man has low T? I would love to be having this conversation in person so I would see what your immediate answer was, without Internet instruction. But, what is your hormone imbalance? Also why do some psychotropic cause lactation in males?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
What many write off as immaterial or magical is often biochemical. That's just a fact. Neither of us can change it. That means that it is possible for various moods, motional states, etc. to be the result of a biochemical process.
But we can measure hormone imbalances and correct them without go to the VooDoo lounge. Obviously you don't know anything about Testosterone imbalance.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Here you're going personal again.
That coming from you is funny. Aquila you are no one to talk.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Please try to understand my logic:

I can find a dozen articles on something and anyone else can find dozen articles refuting it. Still another can probably find a dozen more articles refuting both me and the first individual.
So, what is achieved? Therefore this is an Apostolic forum, and it mainly deals with the Bible. END OF GAME.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I can read a dozen articles and try to pretend like I know everything about a given subject. But that wouldn't be the truth and it would make me look like a know it all.

I can share personal experience. In doing this, admit that while I don't know everything about a given topic, I do know what I've personally seen, experienced, or done.

It also allows for others to share their personal experiences, which may differ from my own for any number of reasons.

We can look at our experiences together and from that we might gain an "understanding" of one another.
So what we are doing is "group?"

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
For example, many people would label me a communist, God-hater, or socialist for supporting single payer health insurance.
Do you like those labels?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
However, if I share my experience with losing a mother who didn't have health insurance,
Should that be mocked?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
they might still disagree with my position, but they will understand why I have the position I have and hopefully realize that I'm not a communist, God-hater, or socialist.
You don't do that with others, they just place you on ignore. You in turn give them the thumbs up.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Often people share stories of how their family endured and managed without health insurance and express their opinion like it isn't all that important. Now, while I might disagree with them on the subject, I see where they are coming from instead of just assuming that they are callous and uncaring corporatists.

It's not meant in the spirit of being a know it all. It's meant in the spirit of saying, "Wait. Hold up. I'm no expert, but I think you're broad generalization doesn't represent the full truth. I personally know the following..." "People like me..."
You don't return the favor, you got issues, but your issues you blame on a label from the DSM.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Why isn't that during the time that you weren't posting to this thread, NONE of us wrote anything to one another using a phrase like that? In fact, we were having a rather civil discussion and offering mutual respect.
The most part, you have a good amount of people agreeing with you. Another thing that is how I feel about psychiatry. It is quackery, there is no one else posting that? I believe psychiatry takes away from the Gospel and doesn't add to the Gospel. it also does more harm than good. Also that isn't being discussed in much length here. So, you are looking like a total advocate of psychiatry. Therefore if i say something disparaging against psychiatry you take it as personal. Don't. It I hit you with a quip, take it like a man you claim to be. Because after the days I have not been posting I sure got a dose this morning from people who had been reading your material.

You taking my childhood beatings, one in particular of me being burned on a lit stove while I soiled myself. Then with all the power you can summon you danced back and forth with it. So, let's continue the discussion, but please allow me to hold the opinion of you that is lower than dirt. You can hold the same for me. It is all good. The difference is, that I believe you can one day find Jesus Christ and the power of the Cross. You on the other hand wouldn't wish that for me.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
But here you come and now aggression, anger, and divisiveness is dripping from your posts, thereby poisoning the conversation.

Aquila, stop playing the victim. You can't use that tactic anymore.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
In you post above you were also rather insulting insinuating that I tried Jesus and when he didn’t deliver like a Genie come out of a bottle, I gave up and went in search of a secular remedy. No sir. That is a rather insulting misrepresentation and mischaracterization of me.
You acquainted a spanking with being dragged to a lit stove? Bro, my position is that you need to seek Christ, and His Cross. Be immersed in the Holy Ghost like the Bible says, not like EB says, forget EB. He doesn't matter because you killed already. I'm talking about the Bible, show me Bible for sending someone to some far out treatments.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Once I realized that something was wrong, I prayed for healing for six years.
Bro the problem isn't healing, the problem is dealing, and the problem is that yit is either your WILL or His WILL. It isn't about getting dressed up inside or outside. It is about getting cleaned out through the Holy Ghost.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
With a failed marriage and thoughts of suicide I felt that maybe I should look into getting some help.
Failed marriage, thoughts of suicide, but there are people in all religions who have overcome those things. Not one needed psychiatry. Not one. So, I have friends who are Orthodox Jews, same story, totally good, all is well in their lives. No psychiatry, Hindus, Muslims, the same. So, are their religions also an option? They would tell YOU, yes. I would tell you no.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I prayed about it quite a bit. And I had to humble myself to acknowledge that I was dealing with something bigger than me and that I needed help. And it was a rather painful and difficult process. And the counseling that I received gave me the tools to help me manage what I’d been struggling with for years.

Why would you say things like that knowing that it isn’t true?

In addition, you only obfuscated the issue in response to the question I asked. Which was:
On the flip side, is it their job (a pastor or preacher) to decide that people do not need to see a counselor?
Ultimately, we agreed that it isn't a pastor's or a minister's job to tell people to seek counseling. But is it a pastor's or a minister's job to tell people NOT to seek counseling when their condition appear to be worsening and they are considering counseling?
Then Aquila you are back to square one. If it isn't his job to tell you to seek a shrink, then he will have no one asking to go to a shrink if he is doing his job.

Are you at work?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 07-28-2017, 08:12 AM
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
What so hard about this?

This really works!
I know!
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Old 07-28-2017, 09:34 AM
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Because the Oneness Pentecostal allows HATERS to post?

Not a "hater" though...
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