Originally Posted by sis_perez
1 Month and I am the last one standing. Wrong cant win against right!
Originally Posted by sis_perez
Funny that since I have been checking and checking and there were no responses. Now that the fighter (ME) havent been in the ring, the amateurs wanna play.
Who Stopped Warrior from moving to another subject?
If you cant stand and fight till the end then What exactly do you have???
I stood. You fell. So, then what is the Next subject "Coward?"
Originally Posted by sis_perez
Many Scriptures were brought but the way they were brought was contridicting other scriptures in the bible. The scriptures must be rightly divided. So Next subject plz. I am waiting............... hum dee dum............
Sister Perez... *sigh*
I promised myself I wouldn't post on this thread again, but alas, your posting is like the famous line..."Just when I thought I was
OUT, they pull me back in!!"
Sistergirl, sorry to disillusion you, but you are NOT the last one standing. You are just the only one still interested in roaming about the same mountain.
Could it be there have not been any new responses because they have all been given?! When words fall on deaf ears, what is the point in continuing?!
Discussion is
conversation, chat, dialogue, exchange...we can't have that with you, hon, because WE are all wrong and YOU are the only one right.
Well, take it from a woman who is almost 58 years old...NONE of us are right 24/7.
NONE of us have it all the answers.
NONE of us can say we are so 'all that and a bag of chips' that we have need of nothing.
Trust that I know whereof I speak. I came to the world of forums some years ago, back on FCF to be exact, with the notion that I was right and most were lost and undone...they had left the Mothership and were headed for the hot place.
I learned first, I was wrong!! Imagine that...!! Second, I learned that a differing opinion didn't equal lost and undone. And third, I learned that because there are REAL people sitting on the other side of the my monitor, I should knock off the condescending attitude.
We can ALL learn from someone else, gaining understanding we didn't have, and in turn, give and receive respect.
Respect goes along way, Sister P...to be blunt, you are condescending in your approach, and frankly, it turns people off...you
can disagree without all of that.
In one post, you said to Warrior, I think it was, that you would 'talk' slow so she could understand, and there have been other things that have just not been
And now we are "amateurs."
Not sure if you were referring to me or Tina, who responded to my post, but either way, I can assure you, neither one of us is an amateur.
The Scriptures have been given, but YOU claim they are contradicting other Scriptures...WRONG!!
Rightly divide, yes, but do not EVER assume that one verse contradicts another...can't happen...won't happen!!
Let's just put an end to this...the bottom line:
Learn to disagree without being disagreeable.
Lay your preconceived opinions down, and ask the Lord, "What are you saying to
me through your Word?!"
Don't be so quick to dismiss something presented just because it goes against what you have been taught...people are not infallible...teachers and students can get it wrong.
Finally, there ARE other threads of discussion on the forum. Check them out...you might have something worthwhile to add, AND you might learn something in the process.
I'm not sure if this will be received in the spirit in which it is given, but at least I tried, girl...