Originally Posted by Ferd
let me be crass. last week I chewed my fingernail and ended up pulling a hangnail to the quick. I feel like that hurts. Feelings can be very real....even if self inflicted.
choice. its an interesting dilemma. I am sorry but the laws in America allow a person to be treated. it might very well end up in a million dollar debt, but I think I would go that route if need be.
And that my friend is why you and millions more won’t be able to afford health insurance in another 5 or 10 years.
and once again, we aren't even talking about the fraction of a percent of women who seek abortion to protect there on life. we are talking about the millions of women who seek abortion for birth control.
I know. And I feel you. I think it’s terrible. But my concern is with what I have direct influence over. I can’t control what others do or choose to do. But if my wife were in need of an abortive procedure to save her life I think that the choice to abort or not to abort should be ours without any Government bureaucrat trying to please some freaked out right wing lobby who could care less about my wife’s health.
I am sorry your mom died at 54. I think that is tragic. it explains why you have decided that government should be in the business of making life and death decisions for all Americans where healthcare is concerned.
Not “care” but “insurance”. The decisions, choice of provider, etc are still all on the individual. But yep, you see why I have a soft spot for it. There are a number of ways we can try to deal with it. Do I think we’re going to get a universal system? Not really. Do I think we will see efforts to reduce cost? Under Democrats yes.
but the fact that you are perfectly comfortable with that kind of government intrusion in your life, exposes your repeated argument that you don't trust government to make those exact same decisions where abortion is concerned.
Like I said, you have a strong case against universal health insurance or health care. And for that reason, I think choice is best left in the hands of individuals.
we simply aren't going to let you get away with making an argument that you clearly don't believe (based on your thousands of posts on the subject).
Hardly thousands. Hundreds maybe. While I believe that individuals should have the insurance needed for health care…I still think they should maintain the right to make life’s most difficult decisions.
We get the game Chris, knowing we are skeptical of government, should make your argument valid with us. But what you don't get is that you have a history. unfortunately for you, it is in writing and we have all read it.
Bro…I’ve repeatedly stated I’m not for national health care…just insurance. Care, choice of doctors, procedures, etc. are all still very much on the individual through the very same private providers in place today. I’m only talking money…not regulation. Just funding. But like I said, we’ve talked at length. You’ve made some very good arguments why it would backfire. And in consideration of those points, I submit to you that choice in regards to this issue is best left in the hands of individuals.
One of the great things about an internet forum is it provides clarity and transparency even for people who really would rather not have it.
It’s a complex issue. But get it right…universal health insurance…say it with me…insurance. Not “nationalized health care”.