Originally Posted by FlamingZword
baloney this is selfishness.
Christianity is an outward religion, caring for the fatherless and the widows.
Christianity has never been self-centered, it has always look for the good of others it has minded the business of others.
The greater peace comes from living for others.
a great point. I would counter that there is a difference in disengaging and minding your own business. I would put caring for the fatherless etc, those in
need, as our primary business, definitely. My image of those who are doing that is that they already have quite a bit of peace, however; so this meme is directed elsewhere. i mean let's admit that most Christians are disengaged navel-gazers, stepping over the fatherless, to catch some ersatz news from the other side of the world that engages their attention, and that they feel they should have an opinion on. That.