Originally Posted by MissBrattified
It's just one day a year, Prax.  Instead of worrying about how you don't fit in, strive to honor other church "fathers" who are great mentors and definitely honor your heavenly Father.
I think some of you are missing the point. The service I speak of has nothing to do with honoring the heavenly father (or mother). It's a father's/mother's day parade.
Second it's NOT just about me. You guys might not be aware but there are LOTS AND LOTS of alienated people sitting on our pews.
We have kids in our church whose fathers are in prison, whose fathers are just plain gone and they are supposed to just sit there and small while everyone elses dad is praised. I don't mind telling you that they feel like you know what...
I can go on and on with the many people who are ALIENATED. I posted a verse earlier where Paul chastised people for eating their meals in church while others went hungry. He told them to eat at home. I feel the same way. You want to honor your dad or your husband...why do the rest of have to be forced to somehow validate that simply because we are "outsiders" for that service? The disenfranchised? I don't go because no father there gives a you know what whether Im there or not to do nothing but watch their father's day parade.
I believe that is insensitive. People don't need to have the entire church validate your or anyone elses father's day. You want to celebrate father's day? That's none of my business but this is supposed to be a church service. We have visitors coming to hear the word of God and instead they got a parade.
We have a couple new converts needing to be fed..single men with no kids and their father is not around and they are expected to sit there and smile and honor someone elses father?
Im sorry but that is absurd. Let's have church. People can celebrate father's day in their homes.
BTW it's once a year for fathers, once a year for mothers and zero times a year for the rest of us...
So anyways, I went to my friends church because another friend of mine was going to be in town and preaching. My pastor friend said the preaching would be just good old holy ghost preaching. At my home church it was just one long program.
At my friends church we had a visiting family and at the end we prayed with them and the woman received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I prayed with them (despite being called selfish). We ministered to each other. It was not just a parade and a mad dash to Outback or BBQs.
That's what Im talking about.
Visitors need to hear the gospel especially if those visitors are not fathers or have fathers with them. We are alienating a LOT of people not to mention even those who are fathers that don't believe the church service should be canned for a program.