Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
There are real genuine prophets of God. Then there are those who are individuals who are good at cold reading. Very good, and can through deception gather information, and make one believe they are gaining this information through the Holy Ghost. Cold reading is trickery, and sadly that is what caused some to shipwreck.
And then you have carnal individuals who legitimately know how to flow in a gifting. I have some interesting Word of Knowledge stories from family who was backslid at the moment the story took place.
Grandfather took another guy night hunting over the levee...highly illegal...had deer in the sights and ended up not shooting, unloading the gun and leaving to the other mans confusion. They get back to the gate which was now closed*it was open on the way through* and has a game warden leaning against the gate expecting to catch them in the act.
GW:"What you boys out here doing?"
PawPaw:"Just looking at the deer warden."
Now his brother was in Vietnam. Marine recon. They were supposed to rotate who walked point but they always got him to do it. Several stories of him being warned ahead of time of enemies and even one time after getting a *nudge* it ended up being a Bengal Tiger lying in wait ahead on the trail.
Word of Knowledge is a real thing.