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Old 06-17-2011, 01:11 AM
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Re: The Gap Theory

Originally Posted by acerrak View Post
cause he gave us days at creation in the book of genesis, and not 1000 of years.
cause on the 7th he rested. Not 7000 years on the 7th day, and thus why he had israel keep the 7th day as a sabbath to remember creation, and the exodus of egypt.

its Things like these that show Gods Power, and he didnt create nature to make his creation.

He created creation and Nature just as he said he Did, in the time frame of the Bible. I dont question His power. Im simply going off what the Bible states.

6 days of work 7th day He rested from creation.
I don't question the "days" of creation as being the order of the creative process. What I do not see, is that a creative day is 24 hour length of time or even 1000 year period of time, but rather just a period of time which the Bible does not specify the length of the creative "days" just the order in which God created creation, and by science and observation of God's creation, the earth is very very old.
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Old 06-17-2011, 06:25 AM
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Re: The Gap Theory

Originally Posted by Bowas View Post
I don't question the "days" of creation as being the order of the creative process. What I do not see, is that a creative day is 24 hour length of time or even 1000 year period of time, but rather just a period of time which the Bible does not specify the length of the creative "days" just the order in which God created creation, and by science and observation of God's creation, the earth is very very old.
we arrive at 2 different conclusions and that is ok.
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Old 06-17-2011, 06:38 AM
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Re: The Gap Theory

Originally Posted by Bowas View Post
I don't question the "days" of creation as being the order of the creative process. What I do not see, is that a creative day is 24 hour length of time or even 1000 year period of time, but rather just a period of time which the Bible does not specify the length of the creative "days" just the order in which God created creation, and by science and observation of God's creation, the earth is very very old.

That is so not true!!! It is only one view of science that the earth is very very old. There are many that feel the earth is very very young, in fact only about 7 to 10 thousand years. I chalange you to check out the presentation that they have about Mnt St Helens in Washington State. the volcano that erupted in the early eighty's. You can see by how the area around the volcano changed in just one year. I will have to find the web address but the fact remains that there are several books that make more sense than the idea of evolutoin or gapt theorys etc. as to how the earth is very young.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
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Old 06-17-2011, 07:48 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: The Gap Theory

I just believe Genesis literally. I believe that we are the keepers of an ancient and long forgotten knowledge regarding our world's beginnings. I don't believe that science can be trusted to be accurate when it comes to various theories. I mean... for thousands of years they said that the earth was in the center of the universe. Then they changed their position upon discovery of the truth. They said the earth was flat... and then again they found the truth to be otherwise. They believed in the steady state theory of origins, and now with current data they embrace the Big Bang theory. They told me eggs were bad for me... now researchers say they're good for me. Researchers told me apples were good for me... now they tell me they are bad for me.

The Bible never changes and is absolutely right the first time, every time. If we force Scripture to agree with the science of today... we'll have to turn around and force it to fit some new fangled theory that will be dreamed up tomorrow.

It's supernatural. It's a mystery. It's a long forgotten and largely disregarded (or spiritually hidden) truth about our origins. And God has entrusted us to keep this truth and teach it to the church.
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Old 06-17-2011, 08:17 AM
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Re: The Gap Theory

I think about when a woman becomes with child, there is a period of nine months for
the normal or assigned process to be completed. With animals, the period is much shorter.

The second Adam, Jesus Christ, was born of a woman, fathered by the Holy Spirit. He
was born in due time, went with his parents to Egypt, came back, etc. Learned to be
a carpenter from his earthly father, Joseph. When he was about 30 yrs old, his earthly
ministry began. He was baptized by John, the Baptist, his cousin. John decreased and
Jesus increased in stature and in wisdom. It was all a process, set up by the Father.

Jesus didn't come to earth as a man. but a babe. At twelve he amazed the docters and
lawyers in the temple. But it was not time at twelve for his earthly ministry. He submitted
to his earthly parents until he became a man.(about 30 yrs old).

I believe we would do well to go by the pattern of our Savior. Paul said when he was a
child, he spake as a child, thought as a child, understood as a child, BUT when he became
a MAN (mature), he put away childish things. There's a message in that statemenet!

Why did Jesus tell Nicodemas that a MAN must be born again. Not a baby, a child. I
have wondered about children receiving the Holy Ghost at a very young age. If we, as
has been reported, losing about 75-80 percent of our young people to the world, the
question is WHY! I am speaking of a process shown by example by our Lord. He was not
ready at twelve. He was not a MAN at twelve. He was doing his Father's Will at twelve
because he submitted to his earthly parents. The Bible tells us that "though a son, yet
learned he obedience by the things he suffered".

Parents are to "train up a child in the way he/she SHOULD go". Then when they get older,
they will know which way they ought to go. Could it be that many times children
are "let go" too soon!
What does this have to do with this thread! I am speaking of a process. God set things in
order. A process of time. A WAITING PERIOD! GOD'S ORDER of that which HE has made or

Jesus didn't tell Nicodemas that a young child must be born again. He said a MAN (mature)
MUST be born again, Else they cannot SEE or ENTER the Kingdom of GOD. I wonder if MAN
hasn't rushed TOO many things, instead of following GOD'S ORDER, WILL and WAY!

Why look to Genesis. Why not look to the NEW Testament and follow the example GOD showed,
through the pattern of His SON.
John 1:1, "In the beginning.....

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Old 06-17-2011, 08:29 AM
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Re: The Gap Theory

Cause Falla the topic is creation, and we are discussing the days that God created Earth.
Which in itself is a shadow.

We need to have our Kids rooted into page one as well. If not when they get to school and evolution is taught there gonna get confused on what actually happened.

Creation was so important to God that He gave the sabbath to Israel, as a rememberance of Creation and there exodus of Egypt.

also Israel was also having to answer for the 70 years of sabbaths missed in captivity.

Im not taking anything away from the cross. Infact the &th day God rested we to can enter that Rest. Jesus said come unto me all who labor and i will give you rest. rest for your soul.

So this is a very important topic. like all topic from the bible. John gives us a picture of Jesus deity and also how He was involved in creation itself with His Father.
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Old 06-17-2011, 09:13 AM
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Re: The Gap Theory

The Old Covenant Concealed, in The New Covenant is being Revealed.

The Law was given for transgression until the "Seed", Jesus Christ would come.
In the New Covenant, HE came and IN HIM all things are becoming new! Old things
are passing away. BUT it is still a PROCESS of time. GOD'S TIMING!
Theories are just that!

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Old 06-17-2011, 10:01 AM
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Re: The Gap Theory

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
The Old Covenant Concealed, in The New Covenant is being Revealed.

The Law was given for transgression until the "Seed", Jesus Christ would come.
In the New Covenant, HE came and IN HIM all things are becoming new! Old things
are passing away. BUT it is still a PROCESS of time. GOD'S TIMING!
Theories are just that!

the same old earth that was created in Genesis ch 1 is still here. Your living on it. It has not passed away yet. One of these days it will and there will be a new heaven and new earth. But that has not happened.

However the world wasnt made for transgression. The world was made for us. and for us to have a relationship with God. when man sinned the Law came.

even the rabbis of old believed in 6 literal days of creation and on the 7th he rested. The process took 6 days That is the alloted time and process that God planed for His creation. He shows this in The bible.

So i am not following you about this process. God has shown us His process, set a standard for a nation to be testimony for the world. That God created all things, By Him and For Him.

exodus 20:11
For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

Genesis 2:1-2

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
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Old 06-17-2011, 10:49 AM
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Re: The Gap Theory

Originally Posted by Godsdrummer View Post
That is so not true!!! It is only one view of science that the earth is very very old. There are many that feel the earth is very very young, in fact only about 7 to 10 thousand years. I chalange you to check out the presentation that they have about Mnt St Helens in Washington State. the volcano that erupted in the early eighty's. You can see by how the area around the volcano changed in just one year. I will have to find the web address but the fact remains that there are several books that make more sense than the idea of evolutoin or gapt theorys etc. as to how the earth is very young.
I suppose we conclude different opinions on rate of errosion and sedimentary formaions not only of limestone type rocks but the molten rock cooling process to which heavier substances settled and thus forming the layers found not only on the earth but in the earth.
I do understand Mt. St. Helens recovering seems fast but that does not negate the fact that the earth has taken and the nature of it has taken very long to be in the current state it is in. I have even heard some say, "well, errosion may not have been as slow then as it is now" Grasping. IMHO.
Star light visible explaination of young earth theorist is rather amusing. Length of a day equaling 24 hours PRIOR to the sun's existence on the 4th day. There is more, but you see my point. God is no less God if He so chose to have creative days equally millions of years as it does NOT violate His word, just man's interpretation of His word. These are just some of my opinions concluded in my years of considerings and studies on this subject.
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Old 06-17-2011, 11:11 AM
Truth Files Truth Files is offline

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Re: The Gap Theory

"I just believe Genesis literally. I believe that we are the keepers of an ancient and long forgotten knowledge regarding our world's beginnings. I don't believe that science can be trusted to be accurate when it comes to various theories. I mean... for thousands of years they said that the earth was in the center of the universe. Then they changed their position upon discovery of the truth. They said the earth was flat... and then again they found the truth to be otherwise. They believed in the steady state theory of origins, and now with current data they embrace the Big Bang theory. They told me eggs were bad for me... now researchers say they're good for me. Researchers told me apples were good for me... now they tell me they are bad for me.

The Bible never changes and is absolutely right the first time, every time. If we force Scripture to agree with the science of today... we'll have to turn around and force it to fit some new fangled theory that will be dreamed up tomorrow.

It's supernatural. It's a mystery. It's a long forgotten and largely disregarded (or spiritually hidden) truth about our origins. And God has entrusted us to keep this truth and teach it to the church."

>No dout about this ..... you have the Lord's correct revealing through His Holy Spirit on the matter
1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts
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