Originally Posted by Sam
Those of us on fixed incomes such as pensions and Social Security will not become millionaires or billionaires. My pension (after 32 years of service in a major corporation) is a set amount for life. Social Security has a provision for increase based on some government formula based on the cost of living index but did not change in 2010 and is not going to change in 2011.
I'm on a fixed income for life also. In addition to what else I get, SS is a major part.
Yesterday, I talked with SS on the phone about an issue. In the conversation, I asked about COLA. She laughed and said, "You've not been watching the news have you?" I said no but I've listened to it some but I don't recall anything being said about it. She said that there would be no COLA for the next TWO YEARS.
My glass eye fell out, my arthritis went crazy, I lost my Geritol, and my tongue started rattling with my false teeth. I was not speaking in tongues. My face turned red as the sun and just as hot. I asked, "Ma'am, have you been to the grocery store or had to buy gas in the last few months? Besides all of that, I could not find my Viagra. Quite disturbing news, indeed.
Just kidding in the last paragraph but, I was disturbed. Without saying too much more, I politely hung up.