Originally Posted by mfblume
Romans 14 and 1 Cor 8 and 1 Cor 10 got me, as well. If Paul ate meat offered to idols, and it was only eating food to him... go figure.
I will comment on this. I'm not looking for an argument but I see this applied often and I don't think that the application is true to the intent of the scripture nor to the point being made.
The scripture speaks of eating meat offered to idols and that it isn't a problem but if someone is weak then we should refrain from it for their sakes... in so many words.
Now I am aware of Brother Blume's notion that these practices have been in christianity so long that their pagan origins are no longer an issue but I am simply speaking to the inference that was made by him on these scriptures.
So... let's label a few things.
Meat offered to idols... this is a by product of a pagan practice... a food product which is solely there because of a pagan practice.
Offerings to idols... these are ACTUAL pagan practices.
I can go into this deeper but I am going to try and keep this short. So lets get straight to the point and I'll see if I can bypass lengthy discussion.
Paul is not saying taking part in pagan rituals or practices is okay. Paul would never say... if we worship God by making sacrifices like the pagans do that's okay unless your weaker brother has a problem with it then you should refrain. He is making that statement at all.
And yet the things we discuss along the lines of christmas are discussions of actual pagan practices that were "converted" to christianity.
If we were to take what Paul said and apply it to something that we could relate to today it would be this...
It's okay to buy halloween candy as long as it isn't an offense to your weaker brother. We all know that it's nothing but candy and there is no harm in eating it... it even goes on sale REAL cheap right after halloween. But if your brother is offended then you would do well to refrain.
This is in direct keeping with what Paul was saying. He is saying this is a byproduct of a pagan practice. You aren't taking part in the practice you are just taking part in the great food prices brought about by said paganism.
To say that Paul was saying that the practice itself is okay is beyond the scope, intent and purpose of the statement Paul was making.