Originally Posted by BroGary
God stopped the tower of Babel from being finished so it was not of God, it should be obvious Satan was motivating mankind to go against what God wanted.
It's obvious that "it was not God..." that inspired the project. But why invent a conspiracy theory and attempt to track it all through time when there's a simpler and more obvious explanation right there in the text? (See
Genesis 11:6).
Consider also...
Genesis 6:5 and
Genesis 8:21;
2 Samuel 11:2-3;
Proverbs 4:23;
Matthew 15:18-20;
Mark 7:21-23;
Ephesians 4:22;
Hebrews 3:13;
James 1:13-16 and
James 4:1-2; ...
... all make it appear that man is quite capable of sinning all on his own. Why ascribe the events at Babel to "Satan" or any other force outside of the hearts of man?
"...and now nothing will be restrained from
them, which
they have imagined to do."
Genesis 11:6
We ought to be able to accept the consequences of our own behavior without always complaining "the devil made me do it!" Even the "first sin" in the garden is ascribed to humans and not Satan:
Genesis 3:6 - notice the motivations that the woman had were all attributed to her own desires.
Originally Posted by BroGary
Revelation 13 is just one example of an evil global system that is prophesied.
The scriptures you quoted don't happen unitl after Jesus defeats the Antichrist at the battle of Armgeddon.
It is obvious that you probally won't believe the evil global government is forming until it actually is in full force, maybe when the Antichrist enters the (to be) rebuilt temple and proclaims to be God you might be convinced :-)
Wow bro, if you're saying you can't even accept the story of Noah as being real then we don't have much basis for discussion if you look at such things in the Bible as myths.
No offense bro, but people not believing we are moving towards the fulfillment of end time prophecy reminded me of this verse:
2 Peter 3:4
And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
Isaiah 5:18-19
Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope: That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, that we may know it!
The immediate anticipation of the Lord's return has always been a fixture of the church. However, this new Adventism that has sprung up over the last 200 years has done nothing but embarrass the church in general while leaving behind a sad trail of false prophecies and cruel manipulations.
The only reason you need for the Temple in Jerusalem to be literally rebuilt is because a fair application of your doctrine would have made 70 A.D. look like a failure.
So, your apologists exhort us (and extort us) with their enthusiastic pleas that if we give them another chance, they really will be able to end the world this time! And everyone who hesitates to spill the blood necessary to accomplish this scheme is called an "unbeliever" and the sacred Scriptures are belittled as "myths" unless everyone bows to your eisegesis.
Sorry, Bro. No offense taken, but no ground given either. Until you are able to look at the last 200 years as a "new thing" then you haven't really begun to understand all of the things that have gone before.
So far, the only evidence "that the evil global government is forming" that you have offered has been the exact same extra-Biblical writings I devoured as a teenager almost 40 years ago and had to slowly renounce as life, learning and hard won experience taught me they were simply untrue.